Works councils discuss a new legal position
of Agriculture shall put EWC Directive into effect
EU Council of ministers agreed in Brussels on the new Directive to the
European works council on December 17th, 2008. On the day before the
European Parliament also had agreed in a plenary session with a large
majority (see report
in EWC News 4/2008). Since
problems with the translation could no longer be processed on time the
formal decision making is still due in the Council of ministers.
At present, the
language jurists are checking all 22 language versions of the new
Directive so that the content of the legal text is identical in all
languages. This will most likely last until April 16th, 2009. The
definite adoption is planned for April 23rd, 2009 by the EU Ministers
of Agriculture and to be more precise as a so-called A point (i.e. the
law is passed without discussion). After the signing by the European
Parliament (probably on May 6th, 2009) the EWC Directive is published
in the Official Bulletin of the EU and becomes effective.
Specialist conference in Hamburg blew up all
training and consultancy network "euro-workscouncil.net" carried out
for the first time a specialist conference for European works councils
on January 26th, 2009. Altogether 64 participants, among this EWC
members from 33 companies, scientist from four universities,
representatives from advice institutes and foundations, lawyers as well
as trade union officers of DGB, ver.di, IG BCE and IG Metall, followed
the invitation to inform themselves about the new EWC Directive in

the description of the legislation process by the European MP Karin
Jöns and the acting Secretary General of the European Trade
Union Confederation Reiner Hoffmann the experience report of the EWC
chairman of General Motors, Klaus Franz, received particularly big
Since a number of registrations could not be taken into account any
more due to the immense interest, we offer further dates in the course
of the year (see below).
Media response to the specialist conference
trade union friendly Hans Böckler foundation used the
opportunity to interview some participants of the specialist conference
for the magazine "Mitbestimmung" and to light the backgrounds of the
legislation procedure using contributions from the conference.
Further specialist conferences and workshops on
the new EWC Directive
great response to this specialist conference has induced us to offer
further dates. Two events will take place soon in cooperation with
partners in Italy and Belgium. The programmes are available for
download in German language.
Villa Borghese, May
7-8th, 2009 (simultaneous interpretation German -- Italian available,
English on request) with an introduction to the Italian representation system
Liège, June 22-23rd, 2009 (simultaneous interpretation
German -- French available, English on request), specialist conference
for European works councils and SE works councils
September 30th --
October 2nd, 2009 (simultaneous interpretation German -- French
available, English on request), specialist conference with the French
consultancy firm Groupe Alpha
The new EWC Directive -- inspired by the French
representation system
How can European works councils have early
influence on restructurings?
Castle hotel Montabaur, October
12-14th, 2009, workshop with the following topics:
The new EWC Directive -- where have EWC
agreements to be adapted now?
Exchange of
experience about EWC activities in other companies and sectors
Project work in the EWC on the example of
health mapping
Non-committal appointments to the October workshops
are possible over the contact
form. We then inform about the programme and the details of
the participation on time.
European works councils organize action days
Frozen day " at EDS
The downsizing
planned by the merged IT service provider Electronic Data Systems (EDS)
and Hewlett-Packard evokes growing protest among the staff. The second
Europe-wide action day took place on January 29th and 30th, 2009 and
had been described as " Frozen day " with reference to freezing the
salaries. Particularly affected from the cutback are at the moment the
EDS activities in Hungary, which are to be shifted to India. The
Hungarian works council was only inadequately and the European works
council not at all informed about this. About the consequences of the
merger executed in August 2008 the employees are more or less left in
the unclear (see report
in EWC News 4/2008).
 Steelworkers demand assurance
action day took place at ArcelorMittal on February 10th, 2009. The
steel group wants to cut 6,000 jobs in Europe. Although central
management had promised the steering committee of the EWC at a meeting
in London on December 15th, 2008, to execute without dismissals, the
conditions of the voluntary retirement should be negotiated in each
country separately. While there are already collective agreements
reached in France, Belgium and Luxembourg, negotiations have not even
started yet in Poland, Czechia and Romania. The EWC agreement of
ArcelorMittal had been signed after the merger in July 2007 (see report in
EWC News 2/2007).
 Action day against restructurings at
The motorcar
supplier Bosch experienced a Europe-wide action day in the production
centres for brakes in Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Portugal on
February 16th, 2009. Workers' representatives of this division had
decided in Brussels on January 27th, 2009 on the construction of an own
communication structure to exchange information between the locations
fast. A list of requirements, which is aimed at a Europe-wide framework
agreement was also approved.
There is an
European works council at Bosch since 1998 but the different divisions
are not represented adequately in it. The European
Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF) tries therefore to build up an
independent representation structure with a coordination group in the
division for brakes.
3. EWC
agreements are updated
a new EWC Directive
 Workers' representatives and central management
of the aircraft and space group EADS agreed on a new EWC agreement
according to Dutch law on October 30th, 2008. It replaces the
regulation from the year 2000. The EWC consists of 17 members, six each
from Germany and France, three from the UK and two from Spain. As a
permanent guest an observer from the European Metalworkers’
Federation (EMF) is invited. Differently than in France the EWC
consists only of workers' representatives.
The EWC elects a
steering committee and a finance committee consisting of six members
each. Plenary sessions take place four times a year. The definition of
information and consultation was already taken from the wording of the
new EWC Directive. The agreement fixes a procedure for the conclusion
of transnational collective agreements. Below this holding EWC there
are 4 independent European division works councils in the EADS group,
which already exists since some years now, among this one for Airbus.
 EWC before the splitting up
The European works
council of the Mecom group constituted itself in an extended
composition in Berlin on February 5th and 6th, 2009. Because of the
buying up of activities in the Netherlands a renegotiation of the EWC
agreement from the year 2006 became necessary. It builds on the EWC of
the Norwegian media group of Orkla founded in 2001 and is marked
Scandinavian. The German
EWC members will however leave the council soon, because Mecom wants to
sell its German subsidiary, the publishing house Berliner Verlag, to
DuMont Schauberg. Till now, this Cologne media group does not have an
EWC yet. The following texts are only available in German:
 New agreement after a controversial
merger once more adjourned
The merger of the
two French energy groups Gaz de France and Suez in July 2008 was a
politically controversial measure. In the run-up it came to one of the
most important court decisions in the 15-year history of the EWC
legislation. So the European works council of Gaz de France could in
November 2006 stop the merger by means of an injunction, because its
consultation rights had been disregarded by central management. This spectacular legal success made it
possible for the workers' representatives of Gaz de France to succeed
with a transnational compensation agreement in March 2008 (see report in EWC
News 1/2008).
In the meeting of
the special negotiation body (SNB) of March 3rd to 5th, 2009 in Paris a
new EWC agreement should have been signed. But several separate
meetings, in which compromises of the wording were sought, did not lead
to a definite result. The negotiations are therefore continued in April
4. Judgements in
EWC issues
A Swedish court strengthens European works councils
October 8th, 2008 a court in Stockholm judged in favour of the
obligation to information prior to the foundation of an EWC. It is the
first judgement in an EWC matter which was ever passed in Sweden. The
judges oblige the branch office of Kühne + Nagel in Stockholm
to pass on all data which are required in connection with the formation
of a European works council to the German national headquarter in
1996 the forwarding company is blocking the EWC foundation with legal
obstructions, what after long discussions in 2004 led to a judgement of
the European court of justice in Luxembourg. Since after that the
employer is insistently delaying the EWC foundation, further legal
proceedings followed. In January 2007 the supreme court of justice of
Austria judged in favour of the obligation to information (see report in
EWC News 3/2007). A similar judgement is still due in
Slovakia now. According to Michael Kalis, chairman of the German group
works council, the employer will start the EWC foundation if the
decision in Slovakia is also clear (see report in EWC
News 1/2008).
Meanwhile the family run
company is criticized intensely in employer circles, because the
numerous verdicts are in the end strengthening the employees' side
– and not only in this company. The case has made the
European Commission to take precautions against such a behaviour in the
new EWC Directive ("lex Kühne + Nagel").
U.S. computer manufacturer
loses lawsuit in France
The highest French court of
appeal in Paris ("Cour de Cassation") judged in favour of the trade
union CGT and against the U.S. computer company Dell on
January 21st, 2009. The direct shipment manufacturer has an EWC by virtue of law
according to French legislation, since negotiations with the employees'
side did not lead to any conclusion. According to the minimum
regulations of the EWC legislation only one single seat is allotted to
France in the Dell EWC, which caused a quarrel to break out.
The Dell management did not
want to accept the CGT representative from the factory in Montpellier
and had in the factory Rueil-Malmaison near Paris at first a works
council elected and later another EWC delegate. The company has failed
in last judicial authority now with that. The court assumes a
legislative period of four years, independent of interim changes at
local works councils. The CGT representative therefore keeps his seat
in the European works council.
In April 2007 the Federal
Labour Court in Germany also had to decide on a delegate choice to the
European works council (see report in
EWC News 1/2008). Unlike at Dell the quarrel was not with the
employer, but about an appeal against the election by works council
members not voted for.
 European court of justice
decides on consultation rights
At present, two cases which
concern information and consultation duties of the employer in relation
to mass redundancies are heard at the European court of justice in
Luxembourg. The first case is based on a trial at the industrial
tribunal Liège and concerns the motorcar supplier Mono Car
Styling, which is in liquidation. The second case was heard at the
highest court of justice in Finland and concerns Fujitsu Siemens
Computers. In both cases the court has to decide when an information of
the employer in case of restructuring measures can be regarded as being
“in time”.
Formally these legal cases do
not have any reference to the EWC, the decisions can nevertheless be
expected with tension; as they are of prejudging effect for a more
exact definition of the employers' responsibilities for the information
of the workforce, and thus will also influence indirectly the
consultation rights of European works councils.
of European works councils
 Media company refuses EWC negotiations
The central management of the Finnish media group
Sanoma (on the picture headquarters in Helsinki) would like to avoid
the foundation of an European works council. The group has 21,000
employees, branch offices in 20 countries and belongs to the five
largest magazine publishing houses in Europe. The Finnish trade unions
have rendered a campaign since autumn 2008 to force the entry into EWC
Italian Romanian EWC founded
EWC agreement was signed for the tube manufacturer Tenaris at the
corporate headquarter in Dalmine (Lombardy) according to Italian law on
December 18th, 2008. Eight representatives from Italy and three from
Romania belong to the new EWC. It meets once a year, is escorted by a
two-headed steering committee and advised by the European
Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF).
heating system manufacturer founds EWC
EWC agreement was concluded for about 2,000 European employees of
Lennox, a manufacturer of heating and cooling systems, according to
French law on January 20th, 2009. The EWC comes together at the seat of
the company in Mions, a suburb of Lyon, under the chairmanship of the
employer once a year. The 15 workers’ representatives,
amongst them four from France, two from Spain and one more member each
from 9 other EU countries, elect a secretary, his deputy and another
two members to the steering committee. These get 120 hours time-off in
addition to the meetings every year. Special sessions of the whole EWC
take place on application of two thirds of its members. The information
and consultation rights in the EWC agreement are already strongly
inspired by the new EWC Directive.
texts of numerous EWC agreements are available on a download
6. Europe-wide
EWC contract politics
on training and further education agreed
European works council of UniCredit signed a joint declaration on
training and further education with the central management in Milan on
December 16th, 2008. The principles shall apply in all European branch
offices of the Italian bank and be supervised by the EWC, which gets
the required means to work. In April 2008 two working groups had been
formed from twelve representatives each from the human resources
management and the EWC to work out appropriate documents.
information about European works council activities can be found on the
internet page of the bank; amongst this, documents on a recently
completed EU financed project for the promotion of transnational
cooperation. The EWC founded in 2007 after purchase of the German
HypoVereinsbank has one of the best EWC agreements in Italy (see report in EWC
News 1/2007).
of the agreement on anti-discrimination
January 15th, 2009 the French nuclear group Areva presented the final
report of ODEO ("Open Dialogue trough Equal Opportunities"), a project
which had been sponsored by the EU. In the previous months the human
resources policy had been examined in all 51 European locations.
Central management of Areva had entered into an agreement with the
European Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF) and the European
works council on the equal treatment of men and women and for the
integration of handicapped people in November 2006. The ODEO project
was carried out jointly between EMF and Areva and contained ten
workshops with altogether 140 participants to guarantee the local
implementation of the European framework agreement.
 General agreement on capacity adjustment did
not bring about a solution
The EWC of General Motors agreed with central
management on a Europe-wide framework agreement on January 12th, 2009.
The most important component was the promise of the employer to abstain
from shutdowns and redundancy despite the sales crisis. In the
framework agreement minimum standards for production cuts were fixed
and flexible customizations of the working time were made possible. The
European works council thus proofed once more that it can operate like
a " full-functional group works council ", said its chairman Klaus
Franz (photo) on the EWC specialist conference of the training and
consultancy network " euro-workscouncil.net " on January 26th, 2009 in
Hamburg. So far a transnational agreement of this kind had never been
signed before in a single company.
In view of the events within the days after
that the promise of the employer is, however, no longer up-to-date. The
Swedish subsidiary Saab registered insolvency on February 20th, 2009.
At present, the separation of Opel and Vauxhall from the U.S. mother
group into the legal form of an European Company (SE) is being
discussed. The European headquarter of General Motors and the European
works council reached an agreement during a meeting in
Rüsselsheim to start negotiations about the future company
structure and the consequences for the employees on March 12th, 2009.
agreement for Faber-Castell
 Since January 16th, 2009 an updated version of
worldwide social standards applies to the Bavarian writing materials
manufacturer Faber-Castell. The international framework agreement from
the year 2000 had proved itself worth and was now completed in some
points. It is regarded as exemplary in trade union circles.
Swedish printing group marks signs
On January 27th,
2009 UNI, the international confederation of service sector trade
unions, signed a framework agreement with the central management of the
Swedish printing group and publishing house Elanders in Gothenburg to
secure international labour standards. It is the first agreement of
this kind for a Swedish company of the printing industry. The agreement
is valid for branch offices in eleven countries on four continents, it
also promotes the recognition of employee representations in the USA.
In the same meeting an agreement on the foundation of a
European works council for Elanders was signed.
 Office furniture manufacturer confesses social
On February 13th,
2009 the Building and Woodworker International and the office furniture
manufacturer Wilkhahn signed an international framework agreement in
Frankfurt, which contains not only the production centres in Germany
but also in Spain and Australia. An exemplary monitoring procedure was
agreed on. The company from Bad Münder employs altogether 600
workers and is till now not covered by the EWC Directive.
 The first German bank
is operating in the legal form of SE
The DVB Bank changed to a
European Company (SE) on October 1st, 2008. The supervisory board still
consists of nine members, thereof three employee representatives. The
13 members of the SE works council come from Germany, the UK, the
Netherlands, Norway and Greece. The DVB Bank with seat in Frankfurt is
specialized in transport financing.
 SE with parity
representation on the supervisory board
SGL Carbon from Wiesbaden has
the legal status of SE since January 23th, 2009. An agreement with
representatives of the workforce had been completed at the end of
November 2008. The manufacturer of carbon products will have a
supervisory board from twelve members on a 50/50 basis also in future. Four from the six workers'
directors come from Germany and one each from Poland and the UK. A SE
works council with 13 members from seven countries will replace the
European works council founded in 1996.
 Outstanding SE
agreement for GfK
February 3rd, 2009 Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (GfK
group) in Nuremberg has been a SE. Three workers' representatives
belong to the nine-headed supervisory board of the worlds fourth
largest market research firm: from Germany, the Netherlands and the
United Kingdom. Every country has at least one seat in the SE works
council which meets once per year. A steering committee carries out
regular business, its seven members come from different countries and
meets 3 times per annum.
GfK agreement is similarly policymaking as the SE agreement completed
in December 2008 at the adhesive producer tesa (see report in EWC
News 4/2008): central management and SE works council can take
joint initiatives on cross border topics, the SE works council can set
up temporary committees to certain topics or projects, the SE works
council can become active on request in countries without local works
council and in case of disputes arising from the SE agreement a three
headed arbitration body is foreseen.
Building machine manufacturer
avoids an equal supervisory board
 Since February 18th, 2009 the
building machine manufacturer Wacker Neuson from Munich has signed as
an European Company (SE). Before a SE agreement which covers 17 EU
countries had been signed on January 14th, 2009. The 14 members of the
SE works council, among seven from Germany, come together twice every
year and choose a select committee of seven members. This can carry out
at least another annual meeting. Countries with small workforce are
combined to regions and send regional representatives. Wacker Neuson
resulted from the merger of two building machine manufacturers in 2007.
Shareholders wanted to avoid a supervisory board on a 50/50 basis,
which is only possible through transformation into a SE. Thus even with
growing staff numbers it remains for the employees' side at two of six
 Largest equal SE
supervisory board in Europe
On February 19th, 2009 a SE
agreement for the automotive and engineering group MAN was signed at
the seat in Munich which provides a 16-headed supervisory board on a
50/50 basis. A supervisory board of this size had never before been
formed by SE agreement. Even groups like BASF, Allianz or Fresenius did
not want to accept more than twelve mandates (thereof six workers'
directors). At MAN there are two trade union officers from IG Metall
among the eight workers' directors, four works council members from
Germany and two workplace representatives from other countries.
The European works council
founded in 1996 will soon be replaced by a SE works council to which 26
members belong to. The select committee composed of nine members meets
regularly with the central management. The SE agreement of MAN goes in
many points beyond the legal minimum standards and can be seen as a
milestone with regards to the participation of employees in the SE.
Already in April 2006 a SE agreement was signed for the daughter
company MAN Diesel, the first ever in Germany. The transformation of
MAN AG into MAN SE is to take place in April 2009.
9. Video
conferences no substitute for meetings
Study warns managers of virtual
activities of an European works council takes time and money. A recent
study of the British consultancy firm GHK Consulting estimated the
costs of an EWC meeting at € 101,000 and in individual case it
can be up to € 370,000. The select committee costs on an
average – with three annual meetings -- € 25,700
(see report
in EWC News 3/2008). Why should travel and meeting costs not
be lowered by an intensified use of video and telephone conferences?
Scientist in the USA have
recently come to the conclusion that it is advisable to be cautious
with video conferences. In the study " Videoconferencing in the Field:
A Heuristic Processing Mode " from the Institute for Operations
Research and the Management Sciences is shown that it is more
exhausting for participants of video conferences to process and to
integrate information than during a personal conversation. It is
particularly problematically if in video conferences decisions are
taken. At the tests it turned out that participants of a video
conference are more strongly influenced by the appearance of a speaker,
while probands face-to-face were paying stronger attention to arguments.
members of European works councils it can be particularly problematic
if they are informed by central management in the context of a
transnational restructuring plan only by video conference. The missing
possibility for the personal interaction impedes the discussion and the
use of all action possibilities, which the consultation procedure
offers. Suggestions may not reach at all the level of decision; at the
end the unilateral decision-making by the employer is cemented more
easily through this.
technical possibilities should only serve as support of direct contacts
and not as a substitute for EWC meetings. A negative example is the EWC
agreement of the call centre operator Transcom WorldWide from
Luxembourg, which does not grant the steering committee any other form
of communication (see report in
EWC News 2/2008).
10. Interesting
web pages
Rotogravure information in six
Since February 2009 the
internet page of the trade union ver.di offers a multilingual
information platform for the rotogravure industry. Besides EWC topics
there are also many workplace and trade union information in six
languages available..
Trade union research institutes jointly present
 The TURI network founded in
February 2008 has created its own internet platform. Trade union
friendly research institutes from 17 countries present themselves with
their projects, deliver current reports and provide documents for the
against social dumping
British trade union Unite describes the consequences of several
judgements of the European court of justice for the employee rights in
the European single market on an internet page. Four cases, including
Viking Line and Vaxholm (see report in EWC
News 4/2007),
judge the freedom to strike and social achievements lower than the
freedom of establishment and economic freedom. With a petition Unite
wants to support the demands for a social Europe.
Communication in the motorcar production
Verbal understanding in the
European single market reaches fast the borders, primarily with regards
to special vocabulary and technical concepts. With the financial help
of the EU the project EUCAM (Multilingual Communication in the European
Car Manufacturing) which presents its work on its own internet page was
carried out. Project partners are besides IG Metall and the European
Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF) also the motorcar group
Daimler and partners in the UK, Hungary and Lithuania.
We have arranged numerous
further interesting links in a link
unions and multinational companies
This English-speaking book
which has been published in January 2009 analyses the role of the
global trade union federations in international labour relations and
presents their cooperation in multinational companies. One case study,
for example, examines the relationship of the International federation
of chemistry and mining trade unions (ICEM) with the British South
African raw material group Anglo American and how the national trade
unions in South Africa, Ghana and Colombia cooperate with the company
-- with positive results for the employees. It is an interesting book
for everyone who has to deal with worldwide issues be it as elected
workers' representatives in the EWC, in national trade unions or as a
Current review of industrial
relations in Europe
In January 2009 the European
Commission presented the new report for developments of industrial
relations within the years 2006 to 2008. It contains a listing of
legislation and documents of the social dialog, court decisions on
labour law, a reflection on trends of collective bargaining policy and
on the trade union membership figures. The report is published in
English every two years, an abstract is available in German and French.
 Works council activities in
Germany and the Netherlands
A focal topic brochure of
WSI-Mitteilungen devoted itself in February 2009 to the comparison
between the German and Dutch model of workers' representation. A
special aspect is the internationalization, connected with action
possibilities of works councils in multinational companies. One of the
contributions examines the future of co-determination in the
Netherlands. The brochure is only available in German.
 Manual to the new EWC Directive
Only a few weeks ago the final
version of the revised Directive on the European works council was
published and the first manual which comprehensively takes into account
the new legal position is already available. Wolfgang Greif, head of
the European department of the private employees trade union (GPA) in
Vienna, explains therein not only the political and legal bases of the
EWC but also delivers check lists for EWC agreements and useful tips
for the foundation and development of an Europe-wide employee
representation. At present, there isn't any other German language
publication yet, which represents the new legal position in a detailed
way. This book having been published in March 2009 should therefore not
be missed in any EWC office. The following information is only
available in German:
We have compiled additional
technical literature on a special
12. Training and consultancy
Examples of our work
negotiations in a Japanese pharmaceutical company
The special negotiation body
(SNB) of Takeda Pharma constituted itself in London on January 19th and
20th, 2009. Till now, the Japanese company does not have an European
works council. Werner Altmeyer from the training and consultancy
network " euro-workscouncil.net " was appointed expert (see report in
EWC News 3/2008).
European political
conference of IG BCE
January 28th and 29th, 2009 the IG BCE (German mining, chemistry and
energy industrial union) carried out an European political conference
in the training centre Bad Münder. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Zachert of
the training and consultancy network "euro-workscouncil.net" lectured
on verdicts of the European court of justice, among this the cases
Viking Line from Finland and Vaxholm from Sweden (see report in EWC
News 4/2007). In an interview with the IG BCE magazine " kompakt
" he explained the backgrounds. The following documents are only
available in German:
Participation in ethic Directive in U.S. group 
The German works councils of
Parker-Hannifin want to use their right for codetermination at the
ethic Directive of the U.S. engineering group and to complete an works
agreement at national level. The advice was carried out by Dr. Reingard
Zimmer of the training and consultancy network " euro-workscouncil.net
", who assisted for the first time the German central works council at
a meeting on this topic in Würzburg on January 29th, 2009. The
European works council formed according to British law in 2003 also
wants to deal with this topic.
SE trainings in two companies
Prof Dr Ulrich Zachert and Dr Werner Altmeyer of the training and
consultancy network " euro-workscouncil.net " had accompanied the SE
transformation at the Hamburg adhesive producer tesa as experts in 2008
(see report
in EWC News 4/2008), another two cases are standing in line.
The Bavarian metal company Warema Renkhoff and the Hamburg based
technology service provider Germanischer Lloyd consider the conversion
into a European Company (SE). Both companies employ just under 2,000
people in Germany and want presumably "to freeze" the third
participation of the employees in the supervisory board (see report in
EWC News 2/2008).
February 12th, 2009 a prelude event for the German works councils took
place at the seat of Warema in Marktheidenfeld; the group works council
of Germanischer Lloyd was trained in Hamburg by the training and
consultancy network " euro-workscouncil.net " on March 16th, 2009. The
special negotiation bodies shall soon be called for the constituting
A Swiss pharmaceutical company wants to adapt EWC
of the European works council of Hoffmann-La Roche met for their annual
meeting in Brussels from March 16th to 19th, 2009. They want to adapt
their EWC agreement, which was last updated in the year 2000,
immediately to the standards of the new Directive and nominated Werner
Altmeyer of the training and consultancy network
"euro-workscouncil.net" as expert for the forthcoming negotiations. The
new Directive was already topic in the EWC meeting in 2008 (see report in EWC
News 1/2008).
13. Details
of seminars planned
Registrations are possible for
the following seminars and workshops co-made by us (in German):
The new EWC Directive -- What
comes towards us there?
Specialist conferences for
European works councils
07. -- 8-5-2009 in Rome
22. -- 23-6-2009 in in
30-9 -- 02.10.2009 in Paris
(main emphasis: Restructurings)
Customization of old EWC
Workshop for European works
12. -- 14-10-2009 in Montabaur
Project work in the EWC on the example of health mapping
Workshop for European works councils
12. -- 14-10-2009 in
for trade union officers of IG Metall
politics, European works councils
14. -- 16-10-2009 in Bad Orb
Seminars of the institute for
further education of works councils (ifb)
 Since 1998 ifb offers seminars
for European works councils whose contents were worked out by the
training and consultancy network " euro-workscouncil.net ".
Basic seminar: The way to the
European works council
20.10 -- 23-10-2009 in
Advanced seminar: Practice knowledge, EWC special
-- 5-6-2009 in Cologne
17. -- 20-11-2009 in Nuremberg
Workshops of ver.di-federal
the year 2004 an cross-sectoral workshop of the ver.di federal office
for European works councils took place for the first time. In view of
the new EWC Directive there are two appointments in 2009:
The revision of the EWC
17. -- 19-6-2009 in Berlin
Basis knowledge and practice of
the EWC work
02. -- 4-9-2009 in Berlin
education at Ruhr university
As part of a further education
series for trade union officers and works council members the academy
of Ruhr university Bochum offers the following:
Training for Europe, the
European works council
Concepts, distribution,
practice experiences, development prospects
30. -- 31-10-2009 in Bochum
In-house events
Please find a survey of
possible subjects of in-house events here:
EWC News is published by:
Training and consultancy
network "euro-betriebsrat.de" GbR
collaborating on this issue:
Werner Altmeyer,
Carmen Bauer, Ulrich Zachert,
Reingard Zimmer
of the German
version: 11,911 readers
Distributor of the English version: 1,498 readers
Distributor of the French version: 1,179 readers
archive: www.ewc-news.com
are always pleased to
receive comments and suggestions in relation to this newsletter as well
as reports on your EWC activities. Please write us at: info@euro-workscouncil.net