rulings on collective bargaining competition
judges strengthen collective bargaining
 A fundamental decision was taken on 14th April
2010 concerning the collective bargaining rights for small trade unions
in France. The social division of the highest French supreme court of
appeal ("Cour de Cassation") is of the opinion that the uniqueness of
collective bargaining within companies does not violate any European
law or ILO conventions. The judges in the Paris Law Courts (photo) have
therefore exactly the opposite opinion to the German Federal Labor
Court in Erfurt (see report below) and place the uniqueness of
collective bargaining above freedom of coalition.
most extensive reform of collective bargaining legislation since World
War II came into force in
France on 1st January 2009 (see report in EWC
News 4/2008). Following the Spanish model the legislator has
defined threshold values for
negotiation rights that are derived from work council election results.
Trade unions which obtain less than 10% of the votes can no longer
conclude shop-floor collective agreements. Furthermore, the signing
trade unions must totalize at least 30% of the votes for any shop-floor
collective agreement to be valid. Union membership figures are not
taken into consideration. Industry-wide sectorial agreements require at
least 8% of the combined election votes for all work councils within
the concerned sector. Painful experiences with the trade union
pluralism favored this reform.
FO trade union took legal
action against the threshold restrictions in the Brest labour courts.
Although the union had only obtained 7% of the votes in the machine
manufacturer SDMO, judges in Brittany ruled, in October 2009, that it
did have negotiation rights (see report in EWC
News 4/2009). The Brest ruling is now invalid. The plaintiff
company section of FO trade union must therefore now adapt to the new
situation, as is already the case for many other companies e.g. within
SNCF or France Télécom (see report in
EWC News 1/2010).
Rules extended to public services sector
Following the regulatory ruling of the Supreme
Court, the French parliament adopted an amendment to the collective
bargaining law on 23rd June 2010. The threshold value for determining
the validity of collective agreements in the public service has
consequently been set to 50% of the votes. The pressure on trade unions
to unite to form multi-union bargaining groups is therefore even higher
than in the private sector, where this threshold value is set to 30%.
The following texts are available only in German:
judges weaken collective bargaining
 Unlike France, collective bargaining rules in
Germany are not laid down by law but have been developed by
jurisprudence. On 23rd June 2010 two rulings from the Federal Labor
Court (BAG) in Erfurt (photo) have brought an end to a principle
existing since World War II, whereby only one collective agreement can
be valid within a company. All following texts are available only in
One consequence of
this ruling could be the
increased break-up of the collective bargaining system. Employers are
already apprehending more labor disputes. The German trade union
federation (DGB) together with the Federal Union of German Employers'
associations (BDA) have requested the legislator to take action.
this position of
the umbrella organizations has met with criticism from the
rank-and-file trade unions. As an example, a resolution from the works
council of the Frankfurter Rundschau publishing house from 20th July
2010 which takes the opposite position. Also some trade union
affiliated lawyers have other opinions, such as Professor
Däubler. The ruling is particularly supported by small
factions such as the Christian Metalworkers trade union (CGM), who
accord the court great respect and who accuse DGB of arrogance. In the
past the CGM union has more frequently appeared involved in dumping
collective agreements at the expense of employees.
labor politician appointed as business
 Following the election of the House of Commons,
in May 2010, a coalition government had to be formed in the United
Kingdom. A conservative walkover, à la Thatcher, is
therefore impossible. The coalition contract plans for a fundamental
reform of the political system. The liberal democrats obtained the
department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) which is crucial to
employer interests. Their candidate, Vince Cable, (photo) worked in the
70's as an advisor for the then labour government, before moving in
1982 to the small social-democratic party, which merged in 1988 with
the liberals and since then forms its left wing.
Although Cable is
the only Minister of the
coalition government having close ties with the trade unions, his
invitation as a guest speaker to the annual congress of the British
TUC, planned for September 2010 was cancelled on 29th July 2010.
Shortly before, on 12th July 2010, during a training conference of the
TUC, Cable had called for a stronger role for trade unions.
suggestions on labour law
While trade unions have not yet made clear
their relationship with the new government, there already exist
concrete political proposals from the British employers' association
CBI. According to a paper published on 21st June 2010, strike rights
are to be reduced, recognition of employee representation made more
difficult, mass redundancies facilitated and limitations set for
compensation payments for any discrimination incurred. The retirement
age should also to be raised to 70.
TUC has called this
catalogue “exploitation at work ". The United Kingdom already
stands out as the country having the smallest level of employee
participation in Western Europe, with only Bulgaria and the three
Baltic states having weaker participation rights than in the homeland
of Manchester capitalism (see report in EWC
News 2/2009).
Work council
members, wishing to familiarize
themselves with the current situation of employee representation in the
United Kingdom after the change in government, have the opportunity in
a EWC seminar taking place on 25th January 2011, in Hamburg.
shop-floor agreement in
Bulgaria first introduced work councils as part
of its accession to the European Union in 2007; they can be established
in all companies with more than 50 employees. While there are many
shortcomings when it comes to the involvement of work councils in
information and consultation procedures in Bulgarian companies, the
situation is substantially better in branches of multinational
companies. A transfer of "good practice" apparently takes place through
the exchange of experience within European Work Councils.
 One example is the agreement which was signed,
in February 2010, for Bulgarian employees of the Danish brewery
Carlsberg. It mentions the goal of reinforcing social dialogue,
information and consultation rights, and collective bargaining. An
emphasis is also put on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Soon 17 countries in the euro-zone
 Following a resolution of the European Union
Council of Ministers, on 13th July 2010, the 1.3 millions inhabitants
of Estonia will receive the euro as legal tender starting 1st January
2011. The exchange rate for the Estonian crown has already been tied to
the euro since 1999. Most recently the common currency was introduced
on 1st January 2009 to Slovakia (see report in EWC
News 3/2008).
 Croatia about to enter European Union
Negotiations for the accession of the former
Yugoslavian republic, Croatia, could be finalized before the end of
2010. They started in October 2005 together with Turkey. On the day of
entry, the country, with its 4.4 million inhabitants, will transpose
all social policy directives into national legislation. This includes
also the directives concerning European Work Councils and participation
rights in European Companies (SE). All existing European and SE Work
Councils will need to be extended to accommodate delegates from Croatia.
3. European
Work Councils organize action days
Bosch Work
Councils for structural
change rather than plant closure
 Employees from the Bosch plant in
Vénissieux (France) organized a bicycle procession, to the
company headquarters in Stuttgart, on 26th May 2010, to bring attention
to their situation. For this reason, the venue of the European Work
Council steering committee meeting was shifted at short notice to the
plant close to Lyon where there will be insufficient workload beyond
2012. After 18 plant closures within three years, the EWC is of the
opinion that Vénissieux should become the turning point for
a successful structural change within the Bosch group.
A European action
day took place recently, on
22nd February 2010, for the preservation of the Cardiff plant (Wales)
with participants from 30 Bosch locations in seven countries. Although
the action day, coordinated by the European works council, was not able
to prevent the closure for its 900 employees, it did manage to secure
one of the best ever compensation schemes in the history of the United
German Works Council helps end labor
dispute in France
The American automobile supplier, TRW, wishes
to dismiss 90 of its 400 employees in the Ramonchamp plant in Lorraine.
Since October 2009, the delivery of parts and the production process
had been disturbed over and over again in Renault and Peugeot after a
series of several strikes against these plans. In order to avoid
further strike-related delivery losses, TRW management wanted to put in
place extra work shifts in German plants. The Gelsenkirchen works
council rejected this as "strike breaking". According to German law,
agreement of the works council is necessary for any additional workload.
 The German employee representatives’
negative attitude forced management in Lorraine to the negotiating
table and led to the conclusion of a social plan on 4th May 2010. On
7th May 2010, a delegation from Ramonchamp came to Gelsenkirchen to
thank personally for their solidarity (photo).
demonstrations at
In the middle of
April 2010, central management
of the German heating technology manufacturer, Vaillant, announced its
restructuring plan, MP3, including the closure of several plants. Bad
Kreuznach in Germany and Le Mans in France were to be completely closed
together with partial closures of other plants in Germany, Italy and
Spain. Altogether 280 jobs in Western Europe are to be wiped out, while
at the same time 140 new jobs created in Slovakia.
 The European works council reported on the
current situation in a communication published on 7th June 2010. It
requests central management to refrain from starting any dealings
concerning social plans until, at the European level, the EWC has been
able to render a motivated opinion on the MP3 restructuring plan with
the assistance of experts. On 1st July 2010, 50 employee
representatives from German and Spanish sites held a demonstration in
front of the headquarters in Remscheid (photo).
4. Agreement on
personnel policy and occupational safety
 High tech company strengthens
development of personnel
Paris on 14th April 2010, the French electronics group, Thales, signed
a European-wide agreement on personnel policy. The contracting partner
of central management was not the EWC but the European Metalworkers
Federation (EMF). Whereas in June 2009 a previous agreement already
dealt with further development of employees (see report in EWC
News 2/2009), annual personnel development reviews have now been
regulated. A complete set of references and a clear framework has been
set out for the whole of Europe.
on occupational health and safety
 On 15th June 2010, the European
works council and central management of the Belgian building materials
group, Etex, signed a charter on occupational health and safety. It
regulates the rights and obligations of employees, the handling of
dangerous substances, which type of information employee
representatives receive etc. A crucial point is the establishment of a
European level Hygiene and Safety Committee, comprised of three
management and three EWC representatives meeting once annually.
collective agreement regulates social consequences of acquisition
5th July 2010, a European agreement was signed between central
management of the French metal sector companies, Alstom and Schneider
Electric and the European Metalworkers Federation (EMF). It regulates
conditions for employees of the French nuclear company Areva, which is
affected by the sale of both of its’ power transmission and
distribution divisions to both companies (see report in EWC
News 1/2010). This is the first time in European Union history
where the social consequences of an acquisition are regulated in a
transnational collective agreement. There is a three year long guarantee for no plant
closures and no redundancies.
agreement applies to all European Union countries as well as Norway,
Switzerland and Turkey. Employees from the affected divisions in Alstom
and Schneider Electric are also protected. Once a year, the European
works councils will evaluate compliance to the agreement, and at the
end of 2010 latest, employee representatives from the new divisions
will be integrated into the existing EWC structures. In addition, the
European-level agreement for equal treatment, signed for Areva in
November 2006 (see
in EWC News 4/2006), is to be put on the agenda of both
European works councils.
5. EWC
structure adapted after merger
company with European Forum
23rd June 2010 an updated agreement was signed on the European Forum
for the US group Eaton. It improves the practical work of the forum,
adopts the definitions from the new EWC directive and integrates the
European works council of the electrical company Moeller, acquired by
Eaton in April 2008. There has been a EWC at Eaton since 1999 under
Dutch law and in 2000 Moeller created their EWC under German law. The
new agreement is governed by German law, since following the merger
Germany has the most employees (3,600, corresponding to 22% of the
European workforce).
Forum may be interpreted as being the joint meeting of the EWC with
management. All countries with fewer than 75 employees are not
represented in the EWC. The 8 member steering committee is made up of
five employee and three employer representatives. There is only one EWC
meeting per year, and under extraordinary circumstances a statement has
to be provided within 15 days. Contrary to many other EWC agreements
there is a provision for out-of-court arbitration to settle disputes.
Dissolution of Cadbury EWC
September 2010, the EWC of Kraft Foods will meet for the first time in
its new configuration. Following the merger of the two food groups,
Cadbury and Kraft Foods, ten representatives from the previous Cadbury
EWC will join up with the 38 EWC members of Kraft Foods. Both companies
have had European works councils since 1996 under British law.
Renegotiation of the EWC agreement is not planned before 2011/2012.
 In February 2010, the hostile
takeover of the traditionally British company, Cadbury, by the US group
Kraft Foods provoked strong protests from both the then Labour
government and British trade unions. As soon as March 2010, Kraft Foods
announced the closure of a historical chocolate factory in the United
Kingdom and the relocation of its’ production to Poland.
Kraft foods had to publicly apologize before a British Parliamentary
inquiry for breaking their earlier promises. In a press announcement,
on 29th April 2010 in London, at the last meeting of the Cadbury EWC,
the French CFDT trade union demanded the disclosure of the Kraft Foods
accounting figures and an appropriate consultation procedure.
Construction Company with improved EWC conditions
new term of office is to begin on 1st January 2011 for the Vinci
European works council. The 27 EWC mandates are to be reassigned to
countries following the integration of Cegelec. The French Cegelec
group is a supplier of engineering services and has belonged, since
April 2010, to the French construction group, Vinci. EWCs have been in
place in both companies since 2002 under French law. For the moment EWC
members of Cegelec already participate in the plenary sessions of the
Vinci EWC.
17th March 2010, a procedure for merging both European works councils
was elaborated with central management and the Vinci EWC agreement
updated. It encompasses the definition of information and consultation
from the new EWC Directive. All countries with more than 150 employees
from the European Economic Area and Switzerland are represented in the
EWC. All members have an annual right to three days of training.
Countries with more than 3,000 employees have a mandate in the steering
committee, which comes with an annual 120 hour time off work allowance.
The EWC chairperson has an allowance of 168 hours.
European Work Councils
Armaments Manufacturer
creates EWC
 Since January 2010, three armaments
manufacturers have been operating as joint venture under the common
name of Selex Galileo. An EWC agreement was signed in Rome a few days
previously, on 17th December 2009, under Italian law.
The new EWC consists of 18 members that meet up
to twice annually. They are not elected, but appointed half by Italian
and half by British trade unions, and select a six member steering
committee. The definition for information and consultation was taken
already literally from the new EWC Directive. All EWC members receive
60 hour comprehensive individual language training.
Selex Galileo is a
subsidiary of the Italian
armament company, Finmeccanica, which concluded a similar EWC agreement
in July 2008 for its helicopter division (see report in EWC
News 3/2008).
 Future EWC for Norwegian energy group
The national energy producer Statkraft, with
3.400 employees and one of Europe’s largest producers of
renewable energies signed an agreement, on 28th April 2010 in Berlin,
for the establishment of a European Work Council under Norwegian
The EWC is
composed of twelve members from four countries meeting twice annually
and form a 4 member steering committee. Additional countries are to be
integrated into the EWC should the company expand. The agreement not
only encompasses the definitions of the new EWC Directive, but also
world-wide ILO standards and focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility
retail chain establishes EWC in
two steps
 On 18th June 2010 in Copenhagen, a EWC
agreement was concluded under Danish law for Jysk Nordic. In a two-year
startup phase the EWC is made up of only one representative from each
of the four Scandinavian countries. Subsequently one additional
representative each from Poland, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, the
Netherlands and the United Kingdom are to be integrated. The European
works council meets twice annually and elects a three member steering
There exists two
separately controlled
subsidiaries under to the Jysk Holding: whereas Dänisches
Bettenlager is to be found in Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain
and Switzerland, Jysk Nordic operates in many other countries. The EWC
agreement does not however apply to Dänisches Bettenlager,
which has more than 700 outlets alone in Germany and is therefore much
larger than the entire Jysk Nordic group. The German subsidiaries are
publicly criticized for their harsh HR policies.
Documents on
new EWC Directive
Aspects for political debate
29th March 2010, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
submitted a list of key issues which played an important role in the
parliamentary discussions on the transposition of the new EWC Directive
into national legislations. The new EWC legislation had to be adopted
in all European Union countries, including Norway, Iceland and
Liechtenstein on 5th June 2011 at the latest. However discussions on
the legislative proposals have progressed very differently in the
individual countries (see report in EWC
News 1/2010).
Trade Union Confederation leaflet
On 19th May 2010, the ETUC published a pamphlet
on the new EWC Directive in three languages. A summary is given of the
eight most important points in the new legislation. On the flipside a
table shows how the new legal situation specifically affects the
existing EWC agreements.
 Legal analysis of new EWC Directive
On 28th May 2010,
the European Trade Union
Institute (ETUI) in Brussels published an extensive 140 page analysis
which examines the new EWC Directive article by article from a legal
viewpoint. The wording from existing EWC agreements is taken as
example. The analysis was developed with the support of a group of
lawyers with close ties to trade unions, working in different European
 Significance of new EWC Directive for
The Austrian trade
union, GPA djp, has
published a highly recommendable presentation on the new EWC Directive.
It highlights the issue of how a European works council may use the new
legal situation to strengthen its influence on transnational
8. Update
on the European Company (SE)
Wind-power manufacturer as SE
 Since 4th March 2010, Nordex
from Rostock has been operating as a SE. Previously, representatives
from 13 European Union Countries forming the special negotiation body
(SNB) had negotiated the establishment of a SE works council with
central management. Although Nordex Germany has 1,500 employees, there
is no provision for employee participation in the supervisory board.
The company has over 2.200 employees world-wide.
 Inspection Company to
continue with parity participation
automobile inspection company, Dekra, has been operating since 13th
July 2010 as a SE. The European market leader with 22.000 employees
will maintain a parity-based supervisory board of six shareholder and
six employee representatives and merely freeze the number of members.
Dekra is present in 28 European countries, and besides Germany,
particularly in France.
28th June 2010, the SE participation agreement was signed at the
company headquarters in Stuttgart (photo). In the future, Germany sends
four employee representatives to the supervisory board, and France two.
The two strongest trade unions, CGT and CFDT, designated one
representative each. The SE works council is made up of 19 members and
meets twice annually. Eight seats are allotted to Germany, seven to
France and one each to Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic and the
Netherlands. Countries with fewer than 200 employees are not
First ever direct election of
SE supervisory board
22nd June 2010, and for the first time in the history of SE
legislation, a direct transnational election for supervisory board
employee representatives took place. The Bavarian Metal Industry
company, Warema, had committed to this in its SE agreement from June
2009 (see report
in EWC News 2/2009).
employees were entitled to vote in five countries. For the very first
time employees from outside Germany could take part in a board election
and used their right to vote to almost 100%. European works council
members were elected by the work councils. Since there are no employee
representatives in many of the sites outside the headquarters, 725
employees were able to elect their representatives to the European
works council also by direct elections on the same day.
Revision of SE legislation expected
preparation for the revision of the SE Directive, the European
Commission organized a conference, on 26th May 2010 in Brussels, to
exchange past experience and identify possible improvements.
Approximately 120 SE experts participated, primarily from the employer
side, and a report on the operation and effect of the SE statutes was
presented by the law and auditing firm, Ernst & Young (see report in
EWC News 1/2010).
discussions of two working groups are available in video on the
Internet, with embedded expert presentations. Frightening results from
practical observations: the SE is very frequently misused to limit the
influence of employee participation and to freeze the size of
supervisory boards. This explains the above average high number of SE
creations in Germany, where for years the business press has
deliberately highlighted this possibility to misuse it (see report in
EWC News 2/2008). In March 2010, the Hans Böckler
Foundation reported on the subject and noted a proportionally strong
increase in employee participation evasion through the use of foreign
legal forms (see report
in EWC News 1/2010).
23rd March 2010, the European Commission initiated a public
consultation on the revision of the SE legislation, whose results were
published on 2nd July 2010.
9. Establishment
of World Work Councils
Globalised Euro-Works Council
based on latest EU legislation
EWC agreement was signed on 28th April 2010, at the headquarters of the
IKEA manufacturing company, Swedwood, situated in the southern Swedish
town of Älmhult, which not only is based on the new European
Union Directive, but also includes provisions for representatives from
Russia and the U.S. For the first time, therefore, a World works
council is operating on the basis of the most recent European Union
legislation. The council includes nine members from the European Union
and representatives from Russia and USA will join one year after the
agreement comes into force. The largest European countries are Poland
with 7.500 and Slovakia with 1.600 employees. Five further European
Union Countries have each several hundred employees.
events on 8th July 2010 illustrated the
importance of establishing co-operation beyond Europe. After a critical
press report on the situation in a Swedwood factory in Virginia USA,
central management broke off all discussions on the matter with the
Swedish trade unions. Recognition of employee representation is being
denied for the Virginian workforce.
Swedish Press Group, Elanders, behaves in a
totally different manner. In January 2009, at the same time as
establishing its EWC, an international framework agreement was signed
which promotes the recognition of employee representatives in the USA
(see report in
EWC News 1/2009).
Automobile Group extends EWC
international framework agreement for PSA
Peugeot Citroën of March 2006 (see report in EWC
News 2/2006) was updated and extended on 20th May 2010 in Paris.
Provision is firstly made for the establishment of a World works
council made up of all members of the European works council.
Representatives then join from all countries with more than 500
employees, including Brazil and Argentina. For the time being Russia,
where a new factory was opened in April 2010, will not participate.
agreement at France Télécom
agreement for the establishment of a World works
council was signed on 23rd June 2010 in Paris, between several trade
unions, the chairman of the European works council and the central
management of France Télécom. The council is
composed of 33 members with a nine member steering committee; five from
Europe, two from Africa and two from the rest of the world.
World works council meets once annually for
three days. Extraordinary meetings are possible when projects are
expected to have a considerable effect on the workforce. World works
council members have a provision for an annual 30 hours time off work
in addition to meetings, and the steering committee members 100 hours.
The agreement provides a right to training. It resembles French EWC
agreements and is unusually elaborate for a World works council. In
December 2006, France Télécom had also signed an
international framework agreement on minimum social standards (see report in
EWC News 1/2007).
10. Interesting
Web Pages
 Own webpage for EWC
French airline Air-France/KLM’s
European works council has recently put in place its own Internet
website. A few of the 38 EWC members are introduced in a lively
animated video. Besides contact information, important documents are
available for download and weekly messages from other European works
councils. The EWC was established in 2006 after the merger of the two
former companies.
exceptional European works council websites:
 Transparent EWC
following European Union accession in the year 2004, the Hungarian
Energy group, MOL, created the very first EWC in Central-Eastern
Europe. Now, a new website presents the results of a conference held
from 23rd to 26th March 2010 in the Hungarian Spa town Zalakaros.
Included is a document which describes the communication strategy of
MOL employee representatives which may serve as a model for other
European works councils.
New Internet Forum for Works
Councils in large beer groups
 Around 100 employee representatives from the
world’s four largest beer groups met at a conference from 9th
to 11th June 2010 in Blankenberge (Belgium) to discuss their European
and World-Wide strategy. At the end of the conference a new web site
was presented. The beer industry has undergone extensive restructuring
in the past years. Such was the case for example, in October 2009, when
the Belgian company Anheuser-Busch InBev decided to sell all of its
East European breweries to a financial investor (see report in
EWC News 3/2009).
Internet radio with
news from the working world
reports from the working world can be heard on Radio Labour. Every
Friday a five minute program is available with the events of the past
week and every Sunday a 30 minute report is broadcast. The program is
edited in Canada, and reporters provide information from all over the
have arranged various further interesting web-pages into a collection
of links.
manual for food and tourist sector
In December 2009,
European Federation of Trade
Unions in the Food Agriculture and Tourism (EFFAT) published a brochure
on EWC activities in these sectors of the economy. It is based on the
evaluation of a questionnaire and describes, in detail, all important
aspects reformed in the new EWC Directive. A whole chapter is devoted
to the effect of the financial market crisis on the food and tourist
industries. The end of the brochure features a set of principles for
transnational negotiations on the company level.
 Transnational Project Management
In January 2010, The European
Trade Union Institute (ETUI) in Brussels published the 7th edition of a
guide aimed at helping trade-unions with the development and running of
transnational educational programs. Individual steps for project
planning are covered as well as a list of the financial sources
available from the European Union. The new edition of the guide is
available in English and French. An older edition is also available in
numerous Central and East European languages.
 Overview of
participation in supervisory and administrative boards
In May 2010, the Hans
Böckler Foundation submitted an updated reference aid for
board employee representatives and covering in detail corporate law
(PLC, Ltd) for each of the 27 European Union countries. The regulations
for employee participation in supervisory and administrative boards are
also included. Such an overview is particularly important for employee
representatives affected by transnational mergers or involved in the
establishment of a European Company (SE). The booklet is available only
in German.
for EWC establishment in four languages
In the framework of the
“EWC Networking” project supported financially by
the EU, the Tirol Chamber of Workers published a short manual in June
2010 on the establishment of European works councils in German,
English, Italian and Slovenian. The project was conducted with the help
of partners from Austria, Italy and Slovenia. The training and
consulting network "euro-workscouncil.net" also provided technical
support. On 1st September 2010, the project results were presented at a
conference in the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana.
12. Training
and consulting network "euro-workscouncil.net ":
Examples of our work
Madrid Conference overshadowed
by financial market
 On 13th and 14th May 2010, over
50 European works council members from Spain and guests from other
countries met in Madrid to discuss the possibilities of the new EWC
Directive – with special focus on crisis management. Spain
has been particularly affected by the financial market crisis. In 2010,
unemployment has climbed to over 20%, the highest value of all European
industrialized countries.
conference, which was organized with support of the Spanish Trade Union
Confederation UGT, received such a large echo that many enrollments had
to be turned down. For the UGT it was the first exchange of experience
of this kind for many years. The event was organized together with the
training and consulting network "euro-workscouncil.net" in the context
of a project (“REDITER”), financially promoted by
the European Union. Similar conferences had already taken place in the
past year in Italy and Belgium (see report in EWC
News 2/2009).
training in French Pharmaceuticals Group
16th to 18th June 2010, a training course was organized with the
support of "euro-workscouncil.net" in Berlin for around 60 members and
substitutes of the Sanofi Aventis European works council. The employee
representatives discussed their role and operation of their EWC and how
communication - with both press and internal – could be
improved. A full day was dedicated to strengthen their knowledge of
German industrial relations and their dual vocational training. Sanofi
Aventis established a EWC with 40 members after the merger in 2005,
which replaced the EWCs of both former companies.
French-German EWC conference in Paris
 On 6th July 2010, in the
historical "Maison Internationale" building on the outskirts of Paris
about 20 German and 20 French employee representatives gathered
together to discuss their work experience in European works councils.
Leading EWC representatives from the AXA Insurance Group, the airline
company, Air France, the tire manufacturer, Michelin and the Steel and
Technology group, ThyssenKrupp, made presentations on their respective
activities. A participant from the French Ministry of Labour was also
 This was the first time that a
French-German conference had been organized in this form by the
training and consulting network "euro-workscouncil.net " and it is to
be proposed again next year. On the previous day participants from
Germany were able to familiarize themselves with the subtleties of
French industrial relations in a preparatory seminar.
European Trade Union
June/July 2010 edition of the ver.di trade union member magazine
devotes a two page article entitled "Other Countries, Other Customs" to
the different European employee representation systems. Technical
support was provided by Dr. Werner Altmeyer from the training and
consulting network "euro-workscouncil.net". The ver.di magazine has an
edition of over 2 million copies.
13. Current
Seminar Schedule
present, enrollements are possible for the following seminars and
Employee representation in the European Company
13. – 16.09.2010 in
 EWC Initiation – Basics for
European Employee Representatives
– 17.09.2010 in
the Redoute building, Bonn-Bad Godesberg (photo)
– 03.12.2010 in
EWC Workshop for professionals
– 13.10.2010 in
Auel castle, Lohmar near Cologne
 EWC Workshop for Insurance Companies
28. + 29.10.2010 in ver.di headquarters, Berlin (photo)
Focus: Allianz,
Axa, Ergo, Generali, Zürich
Specialists seminar in Hamburg
for EWC members
 Transposition of the EWC Directive –
current status
24.01.2011 in Hamburg
Employee representation in the United Kingdom after change of government
25.01.2011 in Hamburg
(each day can be booked
Seminars from the Institute for
further education of works councils (ifb)
 Since 1998 the ifb has been
offering seminars for European works councils which were developed in
conjunction with the training and consultancy network "
euro-workscouncil.net ".
Basic seminar: The path to the
European Works Council
-- 12-11-2010 in Hannover
-- 15-04-2011 in Berlin
-- 11-11-2011 in Munich
seminar: Practical
knowledge, EWC special
-- 19-11-2010 in Hamburg
In-house events
find a survey of possible subjects of in-house events here:
News is published by:
and consultancy network "euro-betriebsrat.de" GbR
collaborating on this
Werner Altmeyer, Sandro Maier, Rudolf Reitter,
Bernhard Stelzl
of the German
version: 13,899 readers
Distributor of
the English version: 1,859 readers
Distributor of
the French version: 1,824 readers
archive: www.ewc-news.com
We are always pleased to
receive comments and suggestions in relation to this newsletter as well
as reports on your EWC activities. Please write us at: info@euro-workscouncil.net