legislation: Arbitration ruling in London
First ever decision on the consultation
procedure in the United Kingdom
 On 22 April 2013 in London, the
Central Arbitration Committee (CAC) passed a ruling on the role of the
European works council with respect to information and consultation. As
a national arbitration board, the CAC operates as a first instance
legislative body in collective labour legislation. Its headquarters are
situated on the 22nd floor of the Euston Tower (photo), one of the
highest buildings in the northern city center near Regent's park. Never
before has there been a legal ruling on the matter in the United
Kingdom. Three other CAC rulings dating from 2004 to 2008 were
concerned with the establishment of a European works council or
election processes, not however with the consultation procedure.
The recent decision is not very
encouraging for employee representatives. The case was filed by Nigel
Haines from Lisbon in his capacity as European works council
co-chairman at the British Council, a non-profit organization for the
promotion of international relations with offices throughout the world
(similar to the Goethe-Institute in Germany). According to the EWC, in
the context of a planned restructuring, central management had;
- not
provided information in a timely manner,
- not
provided information in
sufficient detail and
- not
sufficiently informed and
consulted on transnational matters relating to remuneration.
Background to the case
The British Council’s
European works council was established in 2006 following unsuccessful
negotiations for the conclusion of a EWC agreement. The default EWC
continues to operate today on the basis of the subsidiary requirements
of the British EWC legislation (TICER), similar to the EWC of the
easyJet airline (see report in
EWC News 3/2012). Certain matters which are normally
components of a EWC agreement were later regulated in writing with
central management – a similar situation to the German
Railway company “Deutsche Bahn” between 2005 and
2012 (see report
in EWC News 2/2012). An additional “EWC
Code of Practice” was developed with central management in
2009 including a schedule for consultation procedures and a
communications’ flow diagram.
When it became known on 1
August 2012 that a pilot project for performance based remuneration for
teachers in Ukraine was to be exported to Romania, the EWC filed legal
proceedings on 7 August 2012. The EWC feared a gradual change in the
entire remuneration structure throughout the EU and identified
shortcomings in the consultation procedure for restructuring in
foregoing months. Central management rejected all the allegations and
opened an intensive discussion process with the EWC on the basis of
documents going far beyond minimum legal standards.
The CAC ruling
 The arbitrators endorsed
central management’s opinion on all points. The EWC Code of
Practice is not legally binding ("a Code being not legally
enforceable"). Information was communicated neither too late nor with
too little detail because there had been altogether 16 steering
committee meetings since February 2011 and the employer had always
fully complied with requests for further documentation. Furthermore the
EWC legislation does not require central management to communicate
reports days ahead of planned meetings. The pilot project for
performance based remuneration for teachers does not fall in the
EWC’s scope of competence either, since the legislator has
clearly excluded the subject of remuneration. Moreover the matter
cannot be considered as "transnational" in the sense of the EU
directive since in this particular instance it only involves one
European Union country (Romania).
What lessons can be learned
from this?
1. With its Code of Practice,
the British Council EWC is already a few steps ahead of many other
European works councils. In the context of the new European Union
directive it can be very useful to clearly define the structure of the
consultation procedure in detail – including flowcharts.
However it is not sufficient just to put this down in writing. To be
legally enforceable, it should be integrated into the EWC agreement.
2. Such a legal case is not at
all conceivable without the very detailed and conscientious
documentation of meeting minutes and emails. The proceedings before the
CAC were actually based only on documented facts without an oral
3. Although the EWC lost this
case, other works councils should not be discouraged from taking legal
action in London. Such close co-operation, as in the British Council,
between central management and the EWC, is not generally the rule in
Anglo-American companies. Central management from other companies must
first of all attain this standard, before they can hope for a victory
in court. A benchmark has consequently been set for future disputes.
Upcoming event on the subject
This legal case will be
discussed at the annual EWC Academy conference in London on 24 and 25
October 2013.
Handling confidential information
French industrial tribunal stops
consultation procedure
 Judges in France have once
again stopped the restructuring process in a company due to
irregularities during the information and consultation procedure with
the works council. The Paris industrial tribunal ruled on 11 March 2013
that a planned workforce reduction in the research division of the
Sanofi pharmaceuticals group could not take place at that time. They
had first to run through the whole consultation procedure again.
for the
court’s decision: documents submitted to the central works
council at the beginning of the information procedure, on 2 October
2012, were classified as “strictly confidential”.
Employee representatives could therefore not discuss the full details
of the planned restructuring with the workforce. The judges ruled that
the strict confidentiality was abusive. Almost 1,000 jobs are to be
lost and the Toulouse site completely closed. Following texts are
available only in French:
this ruling is only
directly relevant to French works councils, it nevertheless throws a
light on the consultation procedure in European works councils. Is such
a decision also conceivable for a EWC? Can EWC members at all carry out
their consultation duties, if they can only share limited information
with national works councils or with the workforce? Who decides which
documents are confidential or not confidential according to objective
German EWC legislation refers to this in Article § 35:
"The members and substitutes of
a European works council are obliged not to use or reveal any business
or professional secrets, which have been given to them as a member of
the European works council and which have been expressly classified as
confidential by central management … the obligation does not
apply toward other members of the European works council. Furthermore
it does not apply toward local employee representatives…,
nor to the employee representatives on supervisory boards…"
obligation of confidentiality does not apply
for the fulfillment of union duties
is particularly
an issue in Anglo-American oriented companies. Employee representatives
are often bound to utmost secrecy through very restrictive clauses in
the EWC agreement. The European Court of Justice passed a ruling in
2005, allowing the communication of confidential information for the
fulfillment of work-related duties. The legal dispute concerned whether
employee representatives on supervisory boards could inform their trade
union about a forthcoming merger (see report in
EWC News 3/2009).
event: Seminar on confidentiality
The EWC Academy is organizing a
seminar on this topic from 23 to 27 September 2013 in Luxembourg. It
will include a visit to the European Court of Justice.
3. Better employee participation in France
Hundreds of employee
representatives soon
on supervisory boards
 The new legislation on
employment security was officially announced on 16 June 2013 in Paris.
It is based on an agreement which was concluded on 11 January 2013
between a majority of French trade union organizations, the employers'
confederations and the socialist government (see report in
EWC News 1/2013). At the heart of the legislation
lies a comprehensive labour market reform, but it also includes new
rules for European works councils. In the future, they can elect
employee representatives on the administrative or supervisory boards in
the same way as SE works councils in the European Company (SE).
with the new
legislation, France is still far behind the parity-based participation
rights in Germany (photo), there has not been such a substantial
development in employee participation rights in Western Europe since
the 70's. In the future all companies with more than 5,000 employees in
France (and/or more than 10,000 world-wide) must include employees on
their administrative or supervisory boards with full voting rights.
There are one or two seats allotted depending on the size of the board.
The first seat is always allotted to the French works councils, and the
second elected by the European works council. As is the case of the
European Company (SE) this can be a representative from another
country. The new rules concern the largest French companies (around
far there have only been
employee representatives with full voting rights in government
majority-owned companies, or in those privatized in recent years. If
there are employee shareholders they also have a right to a seat. Up to
now, in the private sector, employee representatives participate on
administrative or supervisory boards mainly in a consultative capacity.
Since all these mandates will remain in place, in the future actually
four, six or more employee representatives will often participate in
the meetings, even though not all with voting rights.
remuneration under stronger scrutiny
 On 17 June 2013, the French
employers' confederations in collaboration with the socialist
government released a new Code of Practice for the Corporate Governance
of listed companies. It is considered as one of the strictest sets of
rules within the OECD, but is not however legally binding. Monitoring
is carried out by a seven member high-ranking governance commission
("Haut Comité de gouvernement d'entreprise").
business made this
voluntary commitment under the threat that the government would
otherwise pass appropriate legislation. The Code of Practice contains a
chapter dedicated to employee participation in Corporate Governance
bodies. Each employee representative has hereby a right to training in
the future. One employee representative will systematically sit on the
remunerations committee which fixes executive officers salaries.
Following texts are available only in French:
slight majority
for reform-oriented trade unions
French employee representatives take on greater responsibilities with
these recent developments, at first sight the trade union landscape
hardly shows signs of reform. France remains the country with the
largest number of competing trade unions and the lowest membership
figures of all West-European EU countries. On 29 March 2013, the
Ministry of Labour released the latest statistics which are used to
determine the recognition for industry-wide collective bargaining
rights ("représentativité"). The five major
confederations that were already considered as representative since
1966, maintain their status and are authorized to sign national
collective agreements. According to industrial relations
legislation in force since January 2009 this status is now fixed for
the next four years (see report in
EWC News 4/2008).
For a collective
agreement to be valid, the contracting trade unions must totalize at
least 30% of the works council election votes at the corresponding
level of application. To topple a collective agreement, the challenging
trade unions need 50% of the votes. Since there has been a slight shift
in the last three years in favor of the moderate trade unions (+2%),
the more militant trade unions CGT and CGT-FO together totalize only
48.8% of the votes. They can therefore no longer legally challenge any
collective agreement on a national level. In particular this also
applies to framework agreements with the government, which for example
gave rise to the new employment-security legislation.
4. Reports from other
Hungary: No more protection
against dismissal for works council members
 The new labour code came fully
into force in Hungary on 1 January 2013 after a six month transition
period. It severely weakens employee rights and violates the European
Social Charter according to trade unions (see report in
EWC News 3/2011). The Hungarian labour legislation
can consequently be considered as the second most flexible in Europe
after the United Kingdom. As a result the right-wing conservative
government is hoping for a revival of the heavily depressed economy.
Hungary has had an unemployment rate of 10 to 12% for years.
new labour code also
reduces works council and trade union rights. From now on, only the
chairperson of the works council has a protection against dismissal and
all other members are no longer protected. The time-off work allowance
for trade union representatives has also been reduced and the time-off
entitlement for seminars completely cut. The protection against
dismissal of Hungarian European works council representatives is now
unclear. According to article 10-3 of the EWC Directive they
“shall, in the exercise of their functions, enjoy protection
and guarantees similar to those provided for employees’
representatives by the national legislation …. in force in
their country of employment”. Since simple members of a
Hungarian works council no longer have any protection against
dismissal, Hungarian EWC members are consequently also no longer
protected – unless they are the chairperson of a Hungarian
works council.
unions address the consequences
of the major difficulties
of Hungarian trade unions is their low membership levels and strong
fragmentation. Only 14% of all employees are trade union members and
there are six competing confederations. On 1 May 2013 three of these
confederations announced a planned merger. They represent about two
thirds of all union members in Hungary.
from Belgian government
on German social dumping
 On 18 March 2013 the Belgian
government filed a complaint against Germany with the European
Commission in Brussels. Beforehand labour and economics ministers were
able to make their own assessment of working conditions in
slaughterhouses in Lower Saxony. The Belgian meat industry had brought
the matter to the attention of its government, since it is no longer
competitive as a result of wage dumping practices in Germany. It was
criticized for the lack of minimum wages and the employment of East
European workers in unworthy conditions.
government in Lower Saxony wants to support Belgium and in this way
make pressure on Berlin. "The low wage country Germany has become a
job-killer in many of the adjacent countries such as
Belgium”. EFFAT, the European Federation of Food, Agriculture
and Tourism trade unions has also demanded that the German government
put an end to social dumping. Discussions between the German NGG trade
union and large slaughterhouse groups, in an attempt to find a
solution, broke down on 27 June 2013.
 Croatia becomes the 28th member
state of the European Union
The former
Yugoslav constituent republic, Croatia, has become a full member state
of the European Union since 1 July 2013. The negotiations for accession
began in October 2005 together with Turkey. The country has 4.5
millions inhabitants and the third-highest unemployment rate in the EU
of 23%, after Spain and Greece. A lot of foreign investments come from
Austria and Italy is the most important trade partner. Apart from
tourism shipbuilding also plays a major role.
largest foreign owned company is the former state-owned telephone
company. With 6,000 employees it now belongs to Deutsche Telekom and
operates under the name T-Hrvatski Telekom (see report in
EWC News 1/2012). Before its entry, Croatia had to
transpose all social policy European Union Directives into national
legislation. This included also the Directives on European works
councils and on participation in the European Company (SE). All
existing European and SE works councils have therefore now to
accommodate for Croatian representatives.
5. New initiative
in the
European Parliament
closer to legislation on
transnational company agreements
 Following the historical
decision of the European Parliament on 15 January 2013 to demand a
pan-European legislative initiative on socially responsible management
of restructuring (see report in EWC
News 1/2013), another spectacular legislative initiative is
in the making. In a meeting held on 20 June 2013 in Brussels, the
European Parliament committee on employment and social affairs voted
favorably on a report from the German MEP, Thomas Händel, on
the legal safeguarding of transnational company agreements.
Händel belongs to the parliamentary group of the European
United Left and was a trade union officer of IG-Metall from 1979 to
2009. The vote gave a surprisingly large majority (31 votes for, 6
against, 3 abstentions), which means that the report is very likely be
adopted in a plenary session of the European Parliament in the second
half of 2013.
The Händel report includes
the following points:
- The
legal framework should be
optional (voluntary)
- Only
representative trade
unions are to negotiate and conclude agreements
- European
works councils should
be involved but not take part in negotiations
- A
mechanism for out-of-court
settlement of disputes should be introduced
- A
suggestion is made for the
establishment of a European labour jurisdiction
German or French model?
European Commission has also been working on the subject, and since
2005 already. It recently submitted a working paper in September 2012
and has started consultations (see report in EWC
News 3/2012). Although the number of transnational company
agreements is constantly growing there is strong resistance against
such legal regulation from the employer’s side. Whereas in
the beginning there were "soft" topics such as equality between men and
women, further training or occupational safety, now increasingly
"harder" restructuring questions are becoming the object of such
agreements. So far there is however no security on their legal
enforceability. There is also controversy as to who should carry out
negotiations and sign the agreements: the European works council
(German model) or the trade unions (French model), or both. A recent
research project from the Hans Böckler Foundation shows:
"French dominated EWCs tend to
leave negotiations up to the European industry federations and
to national trade unions. German employee representatives often
consider rather the EWC to be a central player."
A strong coordination
role for European Trade Union Federations must rely on well staffed
full-time structures. Since this is less and less the case, the
European works councils negotiate themselves, a situation which is
reflected in the figures from the Hans Böckler Foundation: out
of the 75 agreements examined, 61 were signed by a EWC and only 21 by
European Trade Union Federations.
councils sidelined and
without legal protection
empirical evidence is not however reflected in the Händel
report. The majority of agreements existing today are purposefully
excluded from the legislative initiative and so continue to be legally
unprotected. Furthermore there is no mention anywhere of the demand
from many German works councils for the European works councils to
evolve towards codetermination. Preference is clearly being given to
the French model (in a similar way to the EWC Directive already). The
disregard for German codetermination in Brussels is even more
surprising, since at the same time the special advantages of German
participation are increasingly appreciated in France and are the object
of reform (see report above).
Consultation in collective redundancies
Court of Justice in Madrid strengthens Spanish works councils

On 20 March 2013, the Spanish
Supreme Court of Justice passed judgment for the first time, under the
controversial labour legislation reform from February 2012. On the
grounds of incomplete works council consultation, collective
redundancies were invalidated at Talleres López Gallego, a
construction company in the industrial town of Móstoles,
near Madrid. According to the judges, the works council should have the
possibility to develop alternatives to the layoffs. This means that
detailed documentation on the company’s economic situation is
necessary. The cancellation of the layoffs follows the French model,
whereby any unilateral measures taken by the employer with an
incorrectly conducted or incompletely finalized consultation procedure
are null and void (see report in
EWC News 4/2009).
ruling has strong political significance. The conservative
government’s labour legislation reform passed by emergency
decree in February 2012 to combat the financial market crisis, contains
the most substantial restrictions to labour legislation since the end
of the Franco dictatorship. Trade unions reacted to it with protest
demonstrations lasting for weeks and a general strike (see report in
EWC News 2/2012). With record high unemployment of
over 25% these reforms have created a climate of Manchester capitalism
and lawlessness in Spain, which is now being countered by the Supreme
Court of Justice.
Highest Court of Justice in Riga
weakens Latvian employee representation
Supreme Court of Justice of Latvia passed exactly the opposite ruling
on 26 April 2013. At SmartLynx, the Latvian airline, judges saw no
reason to invalidate the shutdown of aircraft maintenance and the
dismissal of all the engineers based in Riga. In consultations,
employees are to be given the chance to develop alternatives to layoffs
or to reduce the number of employees involved. The European Union
Directive on collective redundancies does not however make provisions
for any agreement on compensation. Consequently, in the opinion of Riga
judges, there is no right to any compensation or for the cancellation
of layoffs if a consultation procedure is incompletely or not at all
carried out.
government halves consultation period
the United Kingdom the
consultation period for collective redundancies involving more than 100
employees has been fixed since 6 April 2013 to 45 days.
Previously layoffs could only take place after 90 days. Despite this
50% reduction, the delay is still longer than in Ireland, where it
generally amounts to only 30 days. The legislative changes are part of
a long-term package of labour legislation reforms, which the Department
of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has planned for the coming
months. ACAS, the independent arbitration board has released revised
guidelines on the consultation procedure.
SE works councils and revised EWC agreements
Rück establishes SE works council and avoids parity-based
supervisory board
 The Special Negotiation Body of this reinsurer
concluded an SE agreement with central management on 23 January 2013 in
Hanover. The company is majority owned by the Talanx insurance group,
which does not yet have a European works council. The SE agreement
provides for the establishment of an SE works council which will meet
twice annually and will have the right to take cross-border
initiatives. It elects a four-member steering committee. To a large
extent the other features of the agreement correspond to the default
regulations of the German SE participation legislation.
As previously,
employees delegate three German
members to the supervisory board (1/3 participation). However a
parity-based supervisory board is not established when the threshold of
2,000 employees in Germany is passed. The SE agreement only makes
provisions for open-ended discussions leading to mutually accepted
changes. If the discussions break down, 1/3 participation remains in
force. The reinsurance company hereby jumps on the bandwagon of typical
German SE company conversions which aim at restricting employee
influence in supervisory boards in terms of figures.
Fuchs Petrolub
establishes SE works council and avoids parity-based supervisory board
 An SE employee participation agreement was signed
on 30 January 2013 in Mannheim between the lubricant
manufacturer’s central management and the Special Negotiation
Body. The company is majority owned by the founding family and has
3,800 employees world-wide. In Germany the threshold of 2,000 employees
for the establishment of a parity-based supervisory board has not yet
been reached. As a consequence, the employees’ side delegates
two of the six supervisory board members (one-third participation).
This proportion is to remain in place after the SE conversion even if
the workforce grows - an important justification behind nearly all SE
conversions in Germany.
The future SE
works council is made up of ten
members from seven countries. A further nine countries have no
representatives due to the very limited number of employees and are
co-represented by other countries. Europe excluding Germany has
consequently been divided into three regions. A similar solution was
already developed in 2008 for the Hamburg based tesa adhesive tape
manufacturer (see report in
EWC News 4/2008). Following texts are available only
in German:
Pharmaceuticals Company adopts new EWC Directive
 The EWC agreement for Novartis, the
world’s second largest drug manufacturer, was updated on 1
February 2013 in Vienna. The company has its headquarters in Basel and
therefore outside the EU. With 4,000 employees it is the largest
pharmaceuticals company in Austria. The EWC established in 1995 comes
under Austrian jurisdiction which is considered to be the best in the
EU. In cases such as Novartis, who will keep the status of an old
"voluntary" agreement according to article 13 of the previous EWC
Directive, the Austrian employee representatives are entitled to
directly invoke the provisions of the new EWC legislation (see report in
EWC News 1/2011).
The steering
committee is made up of eight members
and meets three times a year. The EWC can furthermore establish working
groups, which likewise may meet up to three times annually. On the
other hand, plenary sessions take place only once per year. The new EWC
agreement also documents in detail the consultation procedure for the
case of restructuring. Central management guarantees to implement
measures only once the procedure has been completely finalized. A
particularly high emphasis is given explicitly to occupational safety.
One particularity is the inclusion of references not only to European
Union Directives, but also to ILO conventions and OECD guidelines as a
basis for cooperation. The labour courts are not competent for disputes
but the International Chamber of Commerce in Vienna is responsible for
Up-coming event on the subject

renegotiation of EWC
agreements will be the subject of a legal seminar held in Berlin on 9
and 10 October 2013.
have arranged a selection of
EWC agreements on a website
for download.
8. European company agreements à la française
integration of young people
European-wide agreement was concluded on 28 March 2013 in Paris between
central management of the French group, Safran and the European
industry federation industriAll for the professional integration of
young people. By these means, the formerly state-owned high-tech
manufacturer of aircraft equipment and communication electronics,
wishes to implement good practices for the integration and
non-discrimination of youth not only in its homeland France (where over
80% of the 45,000 European workforce are employed), but also in eleven
further EU countries and Switzerland in support of sustainable
personnel planning. The EWC agreement concluded in July 2008
(see rapport
les CEE-News 3/2008) was also adapted to the standards of the
new EU Directive on 12th April 2013.
Occupational Well-being
 On 23 May 2013 social partners
in Lafarge, the French building materials group, concluded a
European-wide agreement on occupational well-being as an addition to
the common declaration on occupational health and safety from June 2011
(see report
in EWC News 3/2011). It covers topics ranging from
responsible management of restructuring, employee recognition in the
workplace, teamwork through to work-life balance. The agreement
contains also a list of "best practices" and some health indicators.
 EWC role in change management
An agreement on social
guarantees for Air France-KLM ground and service personnel was
concluded on 12 June 2013 at the Paris Roissy airport between the EWC
and central management. The offices abroad and sales organizations have
been seriously affected by the increasing number of electronic
transactions such as on-line check-in and e- or mobile-ticketing.
the agreement central
management commits itself to communicate transparently on forthcoming
restructuring. Furthermore the role of the European works council and
the responsibilities of national employee representatives are defined
as well as coordination between both levels, which represents one of
the requirements of the new EWC Directive. Priority is given to
measures on job-security. As a pilot project the agreement will
automatically expire on 1 April 2014, if there is no new agreement. The
EWC was established after the two airlines merged in 2006.
9. From
framework agreements
to World works councils
First framework agreement in the
private gambling sector
 An international framework
agreement for the protection of employee rights was signed on 6 March
2013 in Madrid for one of the world’s largest groups in the
gambling business. The Spanish Codere group with 22,000 employees is
present in Spain, Italy as well as in six Latin American countries.
This agreement hereby sets a social benchmark in a growing world-wide
French EWC strengthens
relations with Japan
 A European works council
delegation from Axa met with Japanese trade union representatives and
local management in Tokyo on 15 April 2013. With over 8,000 employees,
Japan represents a relatively large part of the French insurance group.
Following the visit of Japanese representatives for discussions in
Paris already on the 4 July 2012, two representatives have been invited
to participate in a EWC meeting in November 2013.
the first time in the current term of office the steering committee has
designated a person responsible for extra-European contacts and who has
already met with employee representatives from Tunisia, Morocco, India
and Mexico. These efforts are aimed at later establishing a World works
council. Axa is one of the world’s largest insurance groups
and has one of the best EWC agreements in France (see report in
EWC News 2/2009).
energy group establishes
World works council
 An international framework
agreement for Enel was signed on 14 June 2013 in Rome and which makes
provisions not only for the establishment of a World works council, but
also for three committees (occupational health and safety, further
training as well as equal treatment). The largest Italian electricity
supplier has around 74,000 employees world-wide, and mainly in Latin
America outside Europe. There is already an agreement on corporate
social responsibility in place since April 2009 which involves the
European works council (see report in
EWC News 2/2009).
Unilever European works council
 The website of the German group
works council also features the "Unilever European Works Council"
(UEWC). A new film illustrates the activities, composition and
philosophy of the UEWC in five languages. A number of EWC members get
the chance to speak in the nine-minute video. Amongst other topics a
presentation shows how the EWC dealt with the announced closure of a
detergent plant in Spain in summer 2012 (see report in
EWC News 2/2012). The EWC developed its own
"Barcelona agenda" as an alternative to the short term profit-oriented
objectives of central management.
European works council
 The European works council of
UniCredit, the Italian banking group, is present at three different
addresses on the Internet. A presentation on the company website
introduces the body under the heading of “Corporate
Governance”. All transnational agreements concluded up to now
(see report
in EWC News 2/2009) are also available for download.
Both the CGIL and FABI trade unions have put in place their own
Internet presentations of the UniCredit EWC.
World-wide solidarity campaigns
 The British website, USI, uses
the latest technologies such as Podcast, Twitter etc. to report on the
observance of social standards throughout the world, from a trade-union
First rating agency for working
 The Italian website Bastard
& Poor's is not at all about the rating of financial products,
but about the evaluation of working conditions from the
employees’ viewpoint. Survey participants may anonymously
evaluate eight subjects (working environment, type of works contract,
further training, sickness protection etc..) according to a points
system (five traffic light scoring). Evaluations have already been
carried out for many companies including Ikea, Ryanair, IBM, Vodafone
and Adecco. The website is still under development and is only
available in Italian.
have arranged numerous other
interesting websites into a collection
of links.
unions in a EU-acceding state, Turkey
to now, the once strong Turkish trade union movement has not yet
recovered from its breakup following the 1980 putsch. In this
economical boom country on the Bosphore, their influence is hindered by
deep ideological rifts, extremely restrictive legislation and very
small membership levels. Over and over again there are also reports on
the violation of workers’ rights by multinationals. This
review from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation analyzes the current
situation of Turkish trade unions. A report evaluates trade union
legislation which was modified in December 2012 and which in some parts
violates international standards. A Turkish Newsletter in German
(“Türkei-Nachrichten”) which is published
several times a year by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation provides
interesting news on the political situation.
 Company Reporting on
non-financial matters
The European Trade Union
Institute, (ETUI), published a review in February 2013 which examines
the legal environment and practices in company reporting within 28
European countries above and beyond traditional balance sheets and
business figures. Is there an open and transparent dialogue on social
policy and on the efforts to attain sustainability? A team of experts
from the European Commission already started working on the subject in
2011 and subsequently a draft directive has been submitted on 16 April
2013. In the future companies with more than 500 employees will have to
make annual reports on their efforts in the domain of human rights,
environmental protection, employee rights and anti-corruption measures.
 European comparison of
labour relations
April 2013 the European Commission published its latest report on the
situation of European level labour relations and within the EU member
states. It appears to be “increasingly conflictual”
in comparison to previous years, as a consequence of austerity measures
due to the financial market and euro crises. The report which is
published every two years, contains up-to-date figures e.g. on the
scope of collective agreements or trade union membership figures and
provides an overview of European labour legislation reform since 2010.
One chapter is devoted to the situation in Central and Eastern Europe.
 Monitoring of
international framework agreements
This practical
handbook on the implementation and monitoring of international
framework agreements in multinational companies was released in May
2013. Such agreements (also called IFA) between trade unions and
European works councils on the one hand, and corporate management on
the other, lay down world-wide minimum social standards. The handbook
was produced by EWC members from five companies in the wood and
furniture industry as part of an EU-sponsored project. It provides
valuable suggestions for employee representatives wishing to conclude
or monitor international framework agreements and includes a master
plan for integrated IFA management and audit.
We have
gathered other literature together into a collection
12. The EWC Academy:
Examples of our work
 Engineering company starts SE
A Special
Negotiating Body (SNB) was established on 24 April 2013 at the
headquarters of Inros Lackner in Rostock, an architecture and property
development company (photo). In the coming months it will prepare a SE
agreement with central management. Inros Lackner was founded in 2004
following the merger of two groups from East and West Germany, and is
currently growing throughout the world. The SNB has mandated the EWC
Academy as expert.
Adaptation of
EWC agreement in
French pharmaceuticals group
steering committee of the Sanofi EWC met on 14 June 2013 in Berlin, to
identify the needs to adapt its EWC agreement. A list of major points
for further discussion was drawn up with the support of the EWC
Academy. The agreement, concluded in 2005 after several mergers, has
not been modified since that time. The rules of the new French EWC
legislation therefore apply directly to the third largest
pharmaceuticals group in the world, which strengthens the negotiating
position of the EWC.
In some respects the current
agreement provisions already go beyond the new EWC Directive standards,
in particular the number of meetings and representatives. Although
Sanofi did not opt for the European Company (SE) legal structure, five
employee representatives from three countries sit on the company
management board in an advisory role. A legal change in France, which
specifies that, in the future employee representatives are to be
elected to the management board of large companies with full voting
rights (see report
above) also requires the Sanofi EWC agreement to be
 Trans-atlantic social
the first time a seminar was held on this subject on 5 and 6 June 2013
in Berlin. 14 participants from eight companies met in the American
Academy on Lake Wannsee to exchange working experience with US parent
companies and/or sites in the USA. Experts presented the current
situation of labour relations in the USA and gave a brief insight into
company strategy and cultural differences.
Levy, a
former public relations spokesman of DaimlerChrysler, Ford and General
Motors attended from New York. Michael Fichter from the Free University
of Berlin described how Volkswagen is trying to establish a works
council in the USA. Ado Wilhelm, a former divisional officer of the
German ver.di trade union and supervisory board member of T-Mobile,
reported on the US campaign at Deutsche Telekom. Amongst other reports
on works council experience was the transfer from the German Siemens
group to an American managed company at Corning Cable Systems in
Bavaria. A further meeting focusing on the USA is planned for summer
2014 in a similar form.
from other seminars
- Left:
Participants of the EWC seminar in Montabaur Castle from 2nd to 5th
April 2013
- Middle: Seminar participants in front of
the European Parliament, Strasbourg, 16 April 2013
- Right:
EWC presentation of Ikea for the German participants of the
Scandinavian seminar during their ferry-trip from Kiel to Oslo on 22
April 2013
Current training schedule
seminar brochure
EWC Academy and its forerunner organization have been organizing and
delivering conferences and seminars for the members of European works
councils, SE works councils and special negotiation bodies since
January 2009. So far 503 employee representatives from 202 companies
have taken part including many of them for several times. This
represents around 18% of all companies in Europe with an established
EWC or SE works council. A training schedule brochure for the second
half of 2013 is now available for download.
 Seminar for EWC members at
Greenwich University
EWC seminar is being held from 3 to 6 September 2013 on the campus of
the Old Royal Naval College in the London suburb of Greenwich (photo).
It consists of three modules, which can each be booked individually:
besides the introduction to German participation for non-German
employee representatives there is the EWC Initiation Seminar for
beginners and an advanced seminar running in parallel under the title:
From a "song and dance act" to a fully-fledged European or SE works
This seminar will be conducted in English
simultaneous interpretation for other languages is available on
request. Once a year the same seminar also takes place in Germany on
Montabaur Castle, the next time however being first in autumn 2014
(following regular works council elections in Germany).
News is published by:
collaborating on this
Werner Altmeyer, Katharina Barrie, Rita da Luz
of the German
version: 19,225 readers
Distributor of
the English version: 2,974 readers
Distributor of
the French version: 2,927 readers
archive: www.ewc-news.com
We are always pleased to
receive comments and suggestions in relation to this newsletter as well
as reports on your EWC activities. Please write us at: info@ewc-academy.eu