the European Commission violating the EU-treaty?
European Union Directive on socially
responsible restructuring at a standstill
2 September 2013 the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) filed an
official complaint with the European Union Ombudsmann. It concerns the
European Commission’s lack of action on the "Cercas Report",
legislative initiative for the management of company restructuring,
which was initiated in January 2013 by the European Parliament
(see report
in EWC News 1/2013). The commission had
until mid-April 2013 to submit draft legislation.
unions and the European Parliament consider this lack of action to
represent a violation against the Lisbon Treaty, which is the
fundamental pact in force since 2009 defining the functioning of the
European Union. The Ombudsman is responsible for examining complaints
on irregularities in the administration of EU-institutions and for
submitting suggestions on solutions to conflict. It cannot however
force any legislative initiative. The matter is just as explosive as
the revision of the EWC Directive.
European Commission is planning to release a declaration on the "Cercas
Report" before the end of 2013. This will include examples of best
practice in socially responsible management of company restructuring,
but will not contain any political recommendations. According to the
European Commission any legislative initiative would neither be
accepted by employers not obtain wide support in the Council of
Ministers. The center of attention is now therefore drawn to a
completely different question: what role does the European Parliament
play at all in the legislative process? After all, the "Cercas Report"
was adopted with an outstanding majority of 503 deputies with 107 votes
against and 72 abstentions.
How do transnational company
agreements stand?
can also look forward with great interest to the ongoing developments
in a second initiative from the European Parliament. The
Report" was adopted by a large majority during a plenary session on 12
September 2013 in Strasbourg (photo). 393 deputies voted in support of
legal recognition for transnational company agreements with
only 84
votes against and 19 abstentions. There had already been a large
majority on the subject in the economic and social committee
in June 2013 (see report
in EWC News 2/2013).
question also arises here whether the European Commission will remain
inactive given the obstructive attitude of the employers' associations.
The topic has already been on their agenda since 2005. More recently,
in September 2012, the Commission had opened discussions on a
legislative initiative and started a consultation on the subject
(see report
in EWC News 3/2012).
text from the European Parliament addresses a number of issues which
need to be legally regulated: apart from legal enforcement of company
agreements there should also be provisions for out-of-court settlement
of disputes. However, the fact that European works councils are to have
no mandate to negotiate and act only in an advisory capacity to
external trade union officers, is problematic. The reality in the
workplace is somewhat different: in many cases the German model has in
fact become accepted, whereby company employee representatives lead the
negotiations and end up also signing themselves.
Forthcoming event
legislative initiatives will be on the agenda of the EWC Academy
conference to be held on 24 and 25 October 2013 in London.
communication censored
German labour court prohibits access to
to the Lörrach labour court ruling on 26 June 2013, a European
work council has no right to directly communicate with the workforce on
the Intranet, if there is a works council present in the respective
country or workplace. The judges prohibited the EWC of Amcor, the
Australian packaging company, from giving the workforce access, via the
Intranet, to a report on a EWC meeting held in October 2012. There had
been disagreement with central management over the contents of the
report. They proposed to publish a joint declaration. The European
works council however, wanted to publish its own uncensored viewpoint.
In the meantime an appeal against the ruling has been submitted and the
Freiburg District Labour Court will soon deal with it.
court referred to Article 10 Paragraph 2 of the new EWC Directive,
according to which the EWC has to inform only the local works councils.
Only if there are no local employee representatives, should the
employees be directly informed. Formally speaking this interpretation
is correct. However the formulation is aimed rather at strengthening
the small countries without works councils and not at restricting
communication (see report in EWC
News 3/2012).
The heart of the question is whether central management may censor EWC
communication. Anglo-Saxon based companies sometimes attempt to do
this to prevent wherever possible the employees side from having its
own (critical) communication channel.
labour legislation seen through German eyes
ruling’s legal justification contains a typically German
which can only come as a surprise to other EU-countries:
the protection of local work councils’ work, as well as for
industrial peace and the orderly flow of operations it appears
meaningful and appropriate not to expose employees to different reports
and information from employee representation bodies.
this had been the intention of the European legislator: how could it be
enforced in Hungary, Belgium or Spain? In what way can employees in a
French company with the multiplicity of competing trade unions, allow
themselves to be protected from "different reports and information"?
Trade unions represented in French works councils often have their own
websites, not only on the Intranet, but frequently also on the publicly
accessible Internet. While the minutes of EWC meetings are still
declared as "confidential" for employee representatives from the United
Kingdom, they are at the same time already available for download on
French websites (see report in
EWC News 2/2012). The following texts are available
only in
the Australian packaging company
European works council was established in1998 under German jurisdiction
and its EWC agreement last updated in 2002. It is consequently
automatically subject to the new EWC Directive, similarly to the legal
case of US automobile supplier Visteon (see report in
EWC News 3/2011).
Amcor has its European headquarters in Zurich. The European workforce
grew strongly in 2010 through the acquisition of the packaging division
of the British-Australian raw materials group Rio Tinto Alcan
(see report
in EWC News 4/2009).
3. Nomination of British EWC members
Arbitration board
validates election
the first time, on 26 July 2013 in London, the Central Arbitration
Committee (CAC) passed a ruling on the election process for British
European works council representatives. The court case was sparked off
by the question of whether British representatives in Safran, the
French electronics and arms manufacturer, should be nominated by the
Unite trade union or elected by the workforce, similarly to works
council elections in Germany or France. The CAC ruled in favor of an
an announcement to start elections made by the British management of
Safran, on 11 April 2013, the Unite trade union filed a complaint on 15
April 2013. The CAC operates in such matters as a first instance labour
jurisdiction in the United Kingdom. The Safran EWC agreement was signed
in July 2008 (see report in
EWC News 3/2008) and
contains a formulation for the election of representatives which is
common in nearly all European works councils: the election should take
place according to the respective national regulations of the
representative’s country of origin. The British EWC
(TICER) explicitly prescribes an election. The respective trade union
may nominate without an election only if the entire staff in the United
Kingdom is covered by trade union recognition. In Safran a large part
of the British workforce is unionized, but one quarter not.
tradition of works councils
court case highlights a difficulty in labour relations in Anglo-Saxon
countries where there is no tradition of works councils which are
elected according to equal and universal suffrage by the workforce. If
there had been a Safran Group works council in the UK, such as in
Germany or France, Unite would have probably obtained the absolute
majority of seats and both Unite representatives would have
been elected without a problem. British mentality and British labour
legislation are however hardly compatible with continental-European
customs. Although the British legislator did pass a decree on company
level information and consultation committees in 2005 - a sort of
"works council light"- in practice however still little use is made of
it (see report
in EWC News 2/2012).
a democratic election process
important task for the EWC
is to monitor the democratic legitimacy of representatives
(see report
in EWC News 3/2007).
Standing rules for elections could be of great help here. The EWC could
also request a protocol for the orderly running of elections from each
country. In critical cases it is not sufficient to delegate the issue
to the country concerned and not to worry about it any further.
developments in British labour legislation are to be covered in the EWC
Academy works council conference on 24 and 25 October 2013 in London.
4. Constitutional court
strengthens Italian trade unions
metalworkers’ trade union secures works council mandates
several years a power struggle has been raging between the FIOM, the
metalworkers’ trade union in the CGIL, the largest Italian
union confederation, and Fiat’s management. The
largest car manufacturer represents one of FIOM’s main areas
membership. On 23 July 2013 the Constitutional court in Rome ruled an
article from the Italian labour code to be unconstitutional. To
preserve legal certainty, Fiat has, in consequence, requested the
government for legislation on company-level trade union rights.
the company withdrew from the employers' federation and from the
metalworkers’ sectorial agreement, there have been shop-floor
agreements in force since 1 January 2011, which were signed by four
trade unions – including the Christian union, CISL and the
liberal, UIL. The FIOM which originated from a communist background was
not prepared to sign. In a referendum held in the main Turin plant, 54%
of the 5,000 employees voted in favor of the shop-floor agreement,
which provides for more flexible working contracts, longer shifts and
shorter breaks. In return the employer has promised to invest more than
one billion € in the factory. Such events at Fiat always send
strong signal to the entire Italian collective bargaining system.
shop-floor agreement includes a provision by which representatives on
the combined union representation body, RSU, are no longer elected by
the workforce but directly nominated by trade unions - however only by
those recognized trade unions which signed the shop-floor agreement. As
a result, FIOM has been excluded from any say in the decision-making.
The Constitutional Court however has ruled that this restricts
trade-union freedom.
The inter-confederal agreement of
legal security demanded by Fiat was a main issue of an
concluded between the three large trade union confederations, CGIL,
CISL and UIL and the employers’ confederation Confindustria
September 2011 (see report in
EWC News 3/2011).
At the time, company level trade union recognition, the binding force
of company agreements, possible derogations to sectorial collective
agreements and the election process for representatives to the combined
union representation body, RSU, were regulated for the entire Italian
economy. The inter-confederal agreement of 2011 therefore represents a
sort of "Industrial Constitution Act", even though it was not passed by
Parliament. It applies only to the contracting parties. If Fiat still
belonged to the employers' confederation, it would also apply to Fiat.
ruling of the Constitutional court has brought to light however a much
more far-reaching issue. Certain parts of the inter-confederal
agreement of 2011 would probably not stand up to the test of
constitutionality. The demand for legal regulation is therefore
justified, but represents however a break in the year-old tradition of
the Italian system of labour relations.
5. Plant closures
in France
under criticism
are to sell profitable
plants instead of closing them
1 October 2013, the National Assembly in Paris passed legislation which
obliges companies with more than 1,000 employees to first search a
potential buyer who wants to resume production before the closure of
any viable sites. If no substantiating proof is provided, there is a
threat of fines of up to 28,000 € per job destroyed. The works
council is also to be extensively involved. It has the right to look on
its own for investors with the support of experts.
legislation is a reaction to the closure of the ArcelorMittal steel
plant in Florange, Lorraine and is named after it ("loi Florange"). It
was one of the presidential election campaign promises of
François Hollande. The blast furnaces in Florange were
down in spring 2013. Although the new legislation forces to look for
investors, it does not however oblige a contract of sale to be
concluded. This would be an infringement on property rights. An
additional component of the legislation is the prevention of hostile
takeover attempts by so-called "locusts" and the increase in long-term
investment. The works council of any company which is to be taken over,
may call on an expert to analyze the overall conditions.
German parent
company jointly
responsible for layoffs in France
30 August 2013, the labour courts in Compiègne ruled on the
legality of 700 redundancies in connection with the closure of
Continental’s tire manufacturing plant in Clairoix, north
in 2010. Since there was no evidence of economic grounds, all layoffs
were invalidated. The parent company in Hanover (photo) was also held
financially responsible. At the same time the claims of 683 former
employees for compensation were granted.
now confronted with claims for additional compensation amounting from
20,000 to 100,000 € per employee, even though the company had
already provided an average of 200,000 € per employee at the
as part of a social plan. On 24 September 2013 Continental announced
that it would appeal against the ruling.
is one of
the few cases in which a German EWC agreement has been the subject of
proceedings. A French court ruled on it in the context
of the consultation procedure leading up to the closure of the tire
manufacturing plant in April 2009 (see report in
EWC News 2/2009). The following texts are available
only in French:
Establishment of transnational works councils
business accepts SE works council light

18 April 2013 an SE participation agreement was signed in Pullach near
Munich at the headquarters of the Sixt car rental company. It was
negotiated in an unprecedented record time of only one week, following
the establishment of the Special Negotiating Body (SNB) on 11 April
2013. With just under 2,000 employees in Germany the company was close
to establishing a parity-based supervisory board which could only be
avoided by its transformation into an SE. As a result, in the future
there will continue to be no employee representatives on the
supervisory board.
SNB was made up of 15 members, including six from Germany, two each
from France and the United Kingdom. The Netherlands, Belgium,
Luxembourg, Austria and Spain had one representative each. The future
SE works council consists however of only three members and can be
extended to a maximum of five members to adapt to any increase in the
workforce in the coming years. Its competence is limited to only
"substantial" matters and therefore falls below legal default
company made headlines in 2010 following the dismissal of several
employees who were engaged in establishing a works council. Until today
the Sixt group has prevented the establishment of any works council.
Since there has been consequently no European works council, the SE
works council represents the very first employee representative body
within Sixt.
Water and waste management
division obtains its own works council
EWC agreement for Suez Environnement was signed on 4 July 2013 in
Paris. The environmental service provider with over 60,000 employees in
19 European countries hereby obtains its own council following the
spin-off from its parent group, Gaz de France Suez and
its listing on the stock exchange, back in 2008. An agreement on the
establishment of a French Group works council was also concluded on the
same day.
27 EWC members meet twice annually and elect an 11-member steering
committee with the secretary as the speaker for the employee
delegation. As usual in French works councils, the EWC is chaired by
the employer. The EWC will establish several permanent working groups
on topics such as employment, further education etc. A European
occupational safety committee consisting of 18 members meets twice
annually. The EWC agreement closely follows regulations from the former
parent company GdF-Suez (see report in
EWC News 2/2009)
whose agreement is considered to be one of the best yet under French
jurisdiction. Behind this was the spectacular court proceedings in
2006, through which the Gaz de France EWC was able to block the merger
with Suez for one and a half years and secure a transnational
compensation agreement (see report in
EWC News 1/2008).
electricity network operator establishes EWC
EWC agreement for Elia System Operator was signed on 5 September 2013
in Brussels. The company operates the entire high-voltage electricity
grid in Belgium and took over the electricity supply in Vattenfall,
East Germany and Hamburg in 2010. The Special Negotiating Body was
therefore only composed of Belgian and German members. The EWC
agreement is based on the cross-industry universally applicable
collective agreement from December 2010, which transposes the EWC
Directive into Belgian legislation (see report in
EWC News 1/2011).
Following the Belgian works council model it is a joint body including
up to eight employer representatives. The agreement is proactively
applicable to all countries of the European Economic Area and
We have
arranged a selection of
EWC agreements on a website
for download.
Updated EWC agreements
EU-standards integrated
EWC agreement of ABB was updated on 13 April 2013 at the Ludvika site
in central Sweden. The group does business in energy and automation
technology and has its roots in Sweden, Germany and Switzerland. Group
headquarters are in Zurich and the EWC secretariat is located at the
largest German site in Mannheim (photo). The agreement comes under
German jurisdiction. Since it was concluded in 1996, the new standards
apply- as for other "voluntary" agreements - only following
remarkable point is the provision for the EWC chairman and deputy to
meet regularly with the CEO for face-to-face discussions. Whereas this
is also the practice in other companies, in ABB it is explicitly
mentioned in the agreement. A further formulation is also rarely seen
elsewhere: The EWC is considered as an "integral component of the
communication processes within the company". The number of meetings of
the six-member steering committee is consequently not limited. The EWC
has currently 22 members from 17 countries and meets twice annually.
Completely new
EWC agreement after spin-off
EWC agreement for Xylem was signed on 31 May 2013 in Birmingham under
Swedish jurisdiction. Until January 2011, this water technology and
pump manufacturer belonged to the ITT group where there had been a
"voluntary" EWC agreement in force for the division already since 1996.
The spin-off represented a "change in structure" according to the terms
of the new EWC Directive. The employee representatives from 16
countries were therefore able to renegotiate on the basis of the new
European Union standards. Only the name of "European Works Council
Forum" still reminds us of earlier years.
EWC is composed of 30 members and meets twice annually. The largest
countries are Sweden and Germany with four representatives each. It is
managed by a five-member steering committee. For voting each
representative has as many votes as the number of employees
represented. The definition of "transnational competence" goes beyond
the standard definition, since the so-called recital No. 16 has been
integrated (see report in
EWC News 1/2013). One drawback is the limitation of
the consultation period to three weeks and which can be extended only
by mutual agreement.
research firm clearly defines consultation procedure
Nielsen EWC agreement had already been brought closer to the standards
of the new European Union Directive in January 2009, although at the
time, this had not yet formally been approved. The Dutch company has
had a EWC since 1996. What’s new is the agreement concluded
central management on 15 July 2013 for the precise flow of a
consultation procedure. The information and consultation procedure is
graphically visualized in a flowchart with eleven steps as an addendum
to the EWC agreement.
representatives from Nielsen have hereby established a good foundation
for putting the new standards of information and consultation into
practice. Since this document was developed from the outset in
conjunction with central management and the responsibilities for each
phase clearly defined, nothing should stand in the way of a smooth
consultation process. The development of a comparable document lies on
the agenda for many European works councils, as soon as they have
adapted their EWC agreements to the new EU-standards. It is important
hereby, to understand the individual phases and basic philosophy behind
information and consultation which is based on a French concept
(see report
in EWC News 3/2011).
8. Social standards in Europe
French Parcel group
signs social charter
charter for social responsibility was signed on 17 May 2013 in Berlin
between central management and the European works council of GeoPost.
The subsidiary of the French state owned company, La Poste, became the
second largest parcel business in Europe after the acquisition of the
German parcel service DPD in 2001. The EWC was established in May 2008
(see report
in EWC News 3/2008).
social charter applies to all those countries coming under the scope of
the European works council. It contains explicit measures to strengthen
the participation rights of national works councils. The charter
regulates equal treatment for men and women, the right to collective
bargaining and also the involvement of suppliers. Economic layoffs are
to be avoided whenever possible. In May 2005, GeoPost was the first
company in the parcel and express delivery service industry to conclude
a world-wide framework agreement on the basic principles of employment
and social policies.
EWC secures
compensation in Czech Republic
and Slovakia
2 July 2013, Crédit Agricole’s European works
concluded the consultation procedure on the closure of all sites in the
Czech Republic and Slovakia. The EWC took on the task since there were
no local representatives for the 193 employees concerned, and was able
to negotiate better severance compensation. It rendered its opinion
only afterwards. This pragmatic approach may serve as a model - in
particular for countries with a small workforce and without a works
council. Crédit Agricole has had a EWC in place since
2008 (see report
in EWC News 1/2008).
Better protection for East
European contract workers
outstanding shop-floor agreement was concluded for Meyer Werft shipyard
on 12 September 2013 in Papenburg. The death of two Romanian contract
workers in July 2013, following a fire in their sleeping quarters, had
made headlines throughout the country. The IG-Metall union was able to
secure minimum standards for the mostly East European workers and
strengthen the monitoring rights of the works council. As recently as
March 2013 Germany had come under severe criticism because of social
dumping in the meat industry (see report in
EWC News 2/2013). Following texts are available only
in German:
9. Worldwide
social standards
Campaign against
British-Australian mining group, Rio Tinto
the international trade union federation, established a world-wide
network, "Strategic Alliance against Rio Tinto" (START), in a meeting
held on 19 and 20 June 2013 in Johannesburg (South Africa). The
secretary of the European works council from Paris was also amongst the
30 participants from all parts of the world. The EWC was established in
2008, under French jurisdiction, after Rio Tinto acquired the aluminum
manufacturer Alcan with its manufacturing plants in France and
Switzerland (see report in
EWC News 3/2008).
Most recently there had been world-wide protests in February 2012 over
the employment practices of Rio Tinto in Canada (see report in
EWC News 1/2012).
French car manufacturer takes
on responsibility
world-wide framework agreement covering 127,000 employees in 118
countries was signed on 2 July 2013 in Paris on the sidelines of
Renault’s European works council meeting. It includes the
of fundamental rights, social responsibility as well as objectives for
the protection of the environment and applies also to suppliers. The
first world-wide agreement on employee rights concluded by the group in
2004 has, as a result, now been substantially improved.
on safety standards in
45-day deadline for the preparation of an internationally coordinated
implementation plan for building safety and fire protection in the
Bangladesh textile industry expired on 8 July 2013. 87 prominent
fashion groups and retail chains had agreed to this with trade unions
and non-governmental organizations. Coordination was handed over to the
International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva.
agreement came about, following the death of over 1,100 people in the
collapse of a factory building in the capital Dhaka, on 24 April 2013.
For years the press had reported over and over again on the
catastrophic working conditions and mortal accidents. More recently the
European Commission had threatened to restrict the importation of
textile products from Bangladesh.
 Wage trends in EU-countries
28 July 2013, the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) in Brussels
published on its website graphical data on wage trends in all
EU-countries. It shows developments in each individual country since
the year 2000 and demonstrates that real wages have sunk due to hard
austerity policies in 15 countries. The charts also show unemployment
figures in the respective countries.
Social dialogue on the European
the mid-80s there has been dialogue in Brussels between trade unions,
employers' federations and the European Commission on social policy
issues. This "social dialogue" was institutionalized by the Maastricht
treaty in 1992, as an integral component of the European Union (without
however the participation of the United Kingdom until 1997). The
current topics of social dialogue are described in detail on the
European Commission’s website.
Information platform on
occupational safety
website provides information about specific aspects of health and
safety in the workplace (stress, chemicals, ergonomics, office and work
space layout) with a focus on small business premises within selected
industrial sectors. It is particularly helpful for European works
councils, since the entire contents is available in five languages.
Regular updates on EU-financial
market reforms
bimonthly newsletter has been reporting since April 2010 on the
background to the financial market reforms in the EU. The current
edition deals with the G20-Summit and financial market regulation, with
the planned free trade negotiations between the EU and the USA, the
recent suggestions of the European Parliament on the banking sector as
well as with the world-wide speculation on food resources.
have arranged numerous other
interesting websites into a collection
of links.
EWC manual from Austria
manual on European works councils from Wolfgang Greif (photo), officer
for European affairs at the GPA-djp trade union, was the first
German-language publication, in March 2009 to provide a detailed
presentation of the new legal situation. A revised second edition has
been available since April 2013 which now takes into account the
national transposition of the EWC Directive as of 6 June 2011. The
Austrian transposition was carried out in an outstanding manner and the
alpine republic has today the best EWC legislation of all EU-countries
(see report
in EWC News 1/2011). Following texts are available
only in
 New edition of labour legislation
third edition of this very compact, practice-relevant, over 3,000 page
commentary was released at the end of April 2013. The various laws
relating to works council work are presented in great detail. The
perspective is not limited however to purely national circumstances. It
presents for instance, the legislation on employee posting and minimum
working conditions. The authors all come from a trade-union background
and it provides a good introduction to European legislation, also with
regard to transnational labour relations. The commentary is easily
comprehensible and a reference work which can also be recommended for
European works councils. However, as usual with such legal commentaries
- it is only available in German.
Business Etiquette
manual for managers was published in April 2013 and deals with the
differences between German and Swedish business cultures. The author
claims that the alleged cultural proximity prevents us from seeing the
real differences. Works council members do not make negotiations on
business related topics such as managers, but can nevertheless make the
same blunders in their cross-border contacts. How should a German works
council act when faced with Swedish managers, if the group has its
headquarters in Sweden? What needs to be taken into consideration in
contacts with Swedish employee representatives, if the company is
managed from Germany? The book provides no direct answers for works
councils, but nevertheless provides interesting suggestions.
of the country with the highest unemployment rate
June 2013 the Friedrich Ebert Foundation released a new study on
Spanish trade unions. With currently 4.7 million people unemployed the
country has the highest unemployment rate of 26.3% in the EU. The
authors speak of a test case, as to how the fear of unemployment may be
abused for the dismantling of protective rights. Measures taken by the
conservative government are considered to represent the most
substantial dismantling of labour legislation since the end of the
Franco dictatorship (see report in
EWC News 2/2012).
The study also includes current figures on the strength of individual
trade unions following works council elections, the developments in
collective bargaining and the rights and duties of Spanish works
councils. Another finding shows that on an international level, Spanish
trade unions are more interested in Latin America than in European
works councils.
We have
arranged here a collection of further
12. The EWC Academy:
Examples of our work
 Rheinmetall discusses improved
social standards
works council of
Rheinmetall, the automobile supplier and arms manufacturer, met from 2
to 4 July 2013 in Berlin. With the support of the EWC Academy the
representatives discussed a possible revision of the Code of Conduct
from 2003. The EWC had hereby agreed with central management upon a set
of globally applicable core working standards and wishes to update them
to today’s standards.
In 2007
there was a public dispute on compliance to the agreement with the
central management (see report in
EWC News 2/2007).
Although the Code of Conduct is no longer really state-of-the-art, the
EWC was able to secure an outstanding agreement on another subject. In
June 2012 framework regulations for occupational health and safety in
all European countries were adopted (see report in
EWC News 4/2012).
consultation procedure for Swiss insurance company
steering committee of the Helvetia insurance European Forum met on 29
and 30 July 2013 in Karlsruhe, to put into working practice their EWC
agreement updated in May 2012. The employee representatives wish to
define more precisely the information and consultation procedure and to
preventively develop, for the case of transnational matters, an exact
flow diagram with central management. The European Forum is advised by
the EWC Academy.
 First ever EWC seminar
in Zurich
For the
time the EWC Academy
delivered a seminar from 11 to 13 September 2013 on Swiss - EU
relations. Sixteen participants from ten companies, around half from
Germany and half from Switzerland, dealt with the labour
relations’ legislation and the role of European works
councils in
Swiss companies. The labour relations’ legislation is based
on EU
defaults and regulates, since 1994, the establishment of employee
representation bodies (see report in
EWC News 4/2012).
University of Zurich is currently making a quantitative and qualitative
analysis of the role of European works councils for Switzerland. It
reveals that there are 110 Swiss companies which come under the scope
of the EWC Directive. 50 of them have established a EWC, but only
include representatives from Switzerland in 36 cases. Since the
transposition of the EWC Directive into Swiss labour legislation did
not find a majority in Parliament in June 2012 (see report in
EWC News 2/2012),
the involvement of Swiss representatives in EWCs continues to remain on
a voluntary basis.
Current seminar schedule
EWC Academy and its forerunner organization have been organizing and
delivering conferences and seminars for the members of European works
councils, SE works councils and Special Negotiating Bodies since
January 2009. So far, 511 employee representatives from 203 companies
have taken part, including many of them for several times. This
represents around 18% of all transnational works council bodies in
Europe – not yet including the numerous in-house events
by the EWC Academy.
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We are always pleased to
receive comments and suggestions in relation to this newsletter as well
as reports on your EWC activities. Please write us at: info@ewc-academy.eu