Minimum standards for restructuring in the EU
 Historical decision in
European Parliament
On 15th January 2013 the
European Parliament in Strasbourg voted a resolution, with an
overwhelming majority of 503 MP’s (with 107 votes against and
72 abstentions), in favor of a legislative initiative on the regulation
of company restructuring. It is certainly the most important
legislative initiative for works councils on the European level since
2008 when the EWC Directive was revised (see report in
EWC News 4/2008).
The European
Parliament’s employment and social affairs commission had
already voted favorably on a report from the Spanish socialist,
Alejandro Cercas, on 19th November 2012, describing in detail the draft
legislation (see report in
EWC News 4/2012). On this basis, the European
Commission is now obliged either to submit a draft European Directive
within three months, to justify their lack of action or to start
official consultation with the social partners. Employer confederations
refuse however any initiative for legislation on the subject.
Contents of Cercas report
According to the European
Parliament the draft legislation should cover 14 points, which are to
represent minimum standards for companies in all EU-countries. The most
important are:
- Long-term
strategic workforce
- Early
recognition for employment and
skills’ requirements
- Promotion
of further education
by the employer
- Early
preparation for major
- Rules
for the establishment of social plans with
the involvement of employee representatives
- Minimization
of the external
economic, social and ecological costs
Since legal provisions for
long-term workforce planning, social plans and compensation agreements
already exist in many EU-countries, the effects of the planned EU
Directive will vary greatly from country to country. Substantial
improvements are certainly to be expected in Eastern Europe, the
Mediterranean countries or in the UK, whereas in Germany, Austria or
Scandinavia employees already benefit today from good basic conditions.
Amendments to national legislation may be expected however, even for
countries with high standards such as to the German Works Constitution
Act. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) requested urgent
action in an open letter addressed to José Manuel Barroso,
President of the European Commission, on 8th March 2013.
Practical tip: What is a transnational matter?
 A frequently
controversial issue between EWC and management
European works councils are not
responsible for
matters involving only one country. They only come into play if a
planned measure has a "transnational" character. According to article 1
paragraph 4 of the new EWC Directive the competency of the EWC is
clearly defined as follows:
Matters shall be considered to
be transnational where they concern the Community-scale undertaking ...
as a whole, or at least two undertakings or establishments of the
undertaking or group situated in two different Member States.
question becomes somewhat more complicated in the following
Measures which are
implemented in different countries not at the same time, but are
nevertheless connected economically (the so-called "salami-tactic"). In
such cases central management could argue that these are individually
independent matters which do not have a transnational character and
therefore do not fall under the responsibility of the EWC.
Sometimes central management
argues that the EWC is to be involved only when there are negative
effects in at least two countries. In the case of a relocation from
country A to country B, the negative effects would be limited to only
one country and therefore the EWC would not be competent.
Restructuring which has been
decided by central management abroad is implemented locally. In such a
case, local management acts merely as an implementing body and the
local works council does not have the real decision maker as partner.
In this case, if the EWC is not involved, then there will be no serious
discussion at any level on the justification for the measures.
possibilities does the new EWC Directive offer?
first hand the actual text
of the Directive does not contain any clear definition. There is
however in the so-called recital No. 16 of the Directive’s
preamble, a clear explanation:
The transnational character of a
matter should be determined by taking account of both the scope of its
potential effects, and the level of management and representation that
it involves. For this purpose, matters … are considered to
be transnational … which, regardless of the number of Member
States involved, are of importance for the European workforce in terms
of the scope of their potential effects or which involve transfers of
activities between Member States.
of this question is crucially important for a strong EWC
renegotiation of EWC
agreements it is advisable to clearly refer to the recital No. 16 or to
literally copy the formulation. Even then it cannot be guaranteed that
participation rights will always be sufficiently respected. There is
likely to be a multitude of court decisions on the matter.
event: EWC legal seminar
The EWC Academy is organizing a
seminar in Berlin on 9th and 10th October 2013, covering legal
and previous court cases (English interpretation on request).
3. Current legal proceedings
Injunction order
confirmed for
unsatisfactory consultation
 Once again a French court has
put a stop to restructuring measures, since the consultation of the
competent works councils had not been finalized. The industrial
tribunal of Paris (photo) ruled in favor of the CGT trade union section
of Faurecia, the automobile supplier, on 28th January 2013. The
Faurecia central works council, as well as local works councils in the
Auchel and Méru plants in northern France, are now to be
informed and consulted before the restructuring can begin.
the lawsuit the CGT wanted
also to file for unsatisfactory consultation of the PSA Peugeot
Citroën European works council for the closure of the car
manufacturing plant in Aulnay near Paris. The court decided however
that such a complaint could only be filed by the EWC. Since Faurecia is
a subsidiary of PSA Peugeot Citroën, the Faurecia works
councils can wait for the opinion of the EWC, before rendering its own
opinion. The closure of the Aulnay plant is therefore only possible
once the consultation procedures have been correctly terminated in all
parts of the company.
 No SE legal
proceedings in Austria
employee representatives
have withdrawn their planned court action in Vienna. During the plenary
session of the Donata Holding SE works council, held from 7th to 11th
January 2013 near Chartres (France), central management conceded to
revise the SE participation agreement. Whereas the revision of EWC
agreements occurs quite frequently, it is rather exceptional for the
sensitive elements of SE agreements. Discussions will begin on 25th
March 2013 in Paris.
Donata Holding SE is the
parent company of the Coty cosmetics group. The SE works council filed
a complaint in February 2012 concerning its rights to consultation in
transnational restructuring (see report in
EWC News 1/2012). However the Ludwigshafen labour
court rejected the filing in October 2012 on grounds of lack of
jurisdiction, since, in the meantime, the SE had relocated its
headquarters to Vienna.
of court
settlement in Oslo
European works council of Elopak, the Norwegian packaging company,
agreed with central management on 1st March 2013 to withdraw the
lawsuit, which it had filed in November 2012 with the
"Bedriftsdemokratinemnda" in Oslo. This is a first instance
arbitration board for labour legislation matters under the supervision
of the Ministry of Labour. The employer acknowledged that the legal
position of the EWC was correct in considering the relocation of
production from the German Speyer plant to the Netherlands and Denmark
to be a "transnational matter" falling under the responsibility of the
EWC. Management had previously denied this.
Through the
lawsuit, the EWC was trying to prevent any dismissals in Speyer, until
the consultation procedure was concluded. This failed however in
exactly the same way as for Visteon, the automobile supplier in
September 2011 (see report in
EWC News 3/2011). The arbitration board in Oslo had
repeatedly delayed its decision, until measures were finally
implemented in Germany at the end of February 2013. This proves once
again that effective legal protection for European works councils only
exists, at present, in France and Belgium.
4. Individual country reports
 Labour market reform divides
French trade unions
has been on a
continual rise in France for 21 months and is in the meantime twice as
high as in Germany. As a counter-measure, employers' confederations,
the majority of the trade unions and the socialist government agreed on
11th January 2013 to a reform of the labour market. The agreement is
presented under the motto of "flexible security" and is considered as
the most important for 30 years.
a result companies may, in
the future, dismiss their employees in periods of crisis more rapidly,
resort more easily to short-time work or relocate jobs. They must
however come to the negotiation table with employee representatives and
reach an agreement – not at all obvious in the French
business culture. Another component of the reform is also a penalty tax
for companies who abuse short time contracts with a view to reducing
full-time employment. The whole package includes also German style
co-determination rights: in the future all companies with more than
5,000 employees are to have employee representatives on the board of
directors or supervisory board, which up to now was only the case in
(former) state-owned companies.
"success of social
dialogue" is not supported by two trade union
confederations, CGT and CGT-FO, who mobilized tens of
thousands of people on the streets on 5th March 2013 in demonstrations.
Luxembourg reforms workplace
 The government of the Grand-Duchy, which has been
debating on measures to reinforce social dialogue on the company level
since 1999, finally submitted draft legislation on 6th February 2013.
Social partners have agreed to it and it is to be rapidly adopted, so
that works council elections, due on 13th November 2013, can take place
under the new conditions. The heart of the reform aims at developing
employee representation into a fully-fledged works council based on the
German model and which will also have co-determination rights. There
are also provisions for the introduction of an arbitration board for
conflict resolution. Works council members have a right to training and
to experts. The previous Belgian works council model, existing since
1974 - a parity based committee of employer and employee
representatives - in companies with more than 150 employees, is to be
 Swedish right to strike under
International Labour
Organization (ILO) in Geneva published an expert report on 25th
February 2013 on the violation of fundamental labour standards. It
claims that Swedish strike regulations violate the ILO convention 87 on
the freedom of coalition. The questionable legislation had come into
force on 15th April 2010 as a reaction to a European Court of Justice
ruling from December 2007 in the case concerning strikes at the Latvian
company, Laval (see report in
EWC News 4/2007). The ILO is now demanding that the
Swedish government withdraw this restriction to the right to strike.
question is highly explosive and was recently part of a legislative
initiative from the European Commission in Brussels in March 2012, who
wanted to introduce a transnational mechanism for strike monitoring
(see report
in EWC News 2/2012). Even though this draft
legislation has in the meantime failed, the question of the right to
strike by cross-border employee posting is still unclear.
5. Leap forward in
following merger
solution for employee
participation in the board of directors
 An SE participation agreement
was concluded on 14th December 2012 for Atos, the French IT company.
Atos had doubled its workforce after the acquisition of the
Siemens’ IT Service division in July 2011 and is today the
second largest IT service provider in Europe. After this merger plans
began for the transformation of the French public listed company (S.A.)
into a European Company (SE). The European works council, established
in 2007, was informed of this in May 2012 (see report in
EWC News 2/2012).
Whereas SE
transformations in Germany often pursue the goal of limiting employee
participation in the supervisory board, either by reducing the number
of seats or by freezing them for the future, France has little
experience with SE transformations. The only example, where this
question played so far a role, was for the reinsurer Scor in 2007
(see report
in EWC News 2/2007). Since there were, up to now, no
employee representatives on the board of directors of Atos and with
Germany representing a mere 20% of the European workforce the German
participation model could not be applied to Atos. The solution
negotiated by the special negotiation body is nevertheless completely
innovative and can be used as a model for other SE transformations.
SE works
council establishes a
"Board Committee"
In the first place,
the SE agreement provides for the establishment of an SE works council,
whose powers extend far beyond those of the previous European works
council. The number of plenary sessions has consequently been increased
from one to three per year. Representatives have a right to 16 days of
training during their four year term of office. The SE works council is
chaired by the employer according to the French model, and employee
representatives elect a seven member steering committee including a
secretary. An annual budget of 150,000 € has been allotted for
experts which can be supplemented in case of exceptional circumstances
by 50,000 € per case.
Although central
management has not accepted direct employee participation on the board,
it was however prepared to make concessions. As a result, the SE works
council establishes its own "Board Committee" of four employee
representatives, which meets with the members of the board of directors
before or after their meetings. These four representatives can
participate once annually in a consultative capacity to normal board
meetings. Following texts are available only in German:
 British EWC agreement with
Swedish flavor
new EWC agreement was
concluded for DS Smith at a meeting held in London on 4th March 2013.
The renewal became necessary after the British recycling company
acquired the packaging division of the Swedish group, SCA (see report in EWC
News 1/2012). Both companies have their own EWC structures,
whereby SCA even has European divisional works councils.
the one hand the agreement maintains its status of a "voluntary"
Article-13-agreement and is therefore not subject to the new EWC
Directive. On the other, the improved EU-standards have been
integrated; the definitions for consultation and for the transnational
responsibility of the EWC go even further. The agreement adopts from
SCA the concept of European divisional works councils (paper,
packaging, plastics and recycling), which hold twice annually their own
meetings and each have a right to a whole weeks’ in-house
training per year. The steering committees of these four divisional
works councils form then the EWC. A comparable structure can also be
found in EADS, the aeronautics company (see report in
EWC News 1/2012).
on restructuring
commitment to avoid layoffs whenever possible during restructuring is
particularly unusual for British EWC agreements. Alternative measures
are even mentioned. There are therefore provisions, actually within the
agreement, which other companies – particularly the French
– make in special amendment agreements ("Anticipation of
change"). Occupational health and safety, further education,
non-discrimination and environmental standards for production are not
only mentioned, but are detailed in separate sections. The EWC can
involve several experts, e.g. for health and safety, pension questions,
working condition as well as a lawyer. The EWC chairman holds the
position of "EWC development co-ordinator" and has a full time-off work
Upcoming event on the subject
EWC chairman of DS Smith
will give a presentation on the EWC agreement at the German-British EWC
conference to be held on 24th and 25th October 2013 in London.
6. Newly
established European works councils
EWC for Dutch meat producer
EWC agreement was signed on 15th November 2012 between central
management and the special negotiating body (SNB) of Plukon Food which
has its headquarters in Oldebroek (Gelderland province). The company
which is one of the largest poultry producers in Europe has 2,200
employees in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. The ten member EWC
meets twice annually and elects a steering committee with two members.
The agreement is based on the new Dutch EWC legislation (see report in EWC
News 4/2011).
state railways establish Holding EWC
management and the special negotiating body of the SNCF signed a EWC
agreement on 6th December 2012 in Paris. There are already European
works councils in the group for Geodis, the freight division (since
2000) and for Keolis, the suburban transport subsidiary (since 2010);
both are to remain in place. The new company top level EWC is made up
of 26 members, of which ten from France. Belgium, Germany, Denmark,
Sweden, Italy and the United Kingdom are allotted two seats each, and
Spain, Hungary, Romania and the Netherlands one each. The employer is
chairperson according to French custom.
the definition of transnational responsibility the agreement goes
beyond the minimum standards of the new EWC Directive. It is one of the
few agreements which has adopted the regulations of the new French EWC
legislation on the consultation of the EWC in hostile takeovers. This
particularity exists only in France (see report in
EWC News 3/2011). The day-to-day work is coordinated
by a steering committee of five members, who each have an annual
time-off work allowance of 120 hours to carry out their duties (meeting
time excluded). The EWC secretary has a 320 hour allowance and an
annual budget of 8,000 € for small expenses.
EWC split-up in the middle of its
 The EWC of Cookson, the British
technology group can look back on a period of turmoil. It was first
established in 2005. It was dissolved however again in 2009 and a
special negotiating body established, since employee representatives
had given notice to terminate the EWC agreement and subsequent
negotiations were unsuccessful. The SNB reached a new agreement on 7th
June 2012 with central management based on the new British EWC
The signing ceremony on 11th October
2012 could not have taken place at a more unfavorable moment, since on
19th December 2012, after more than 300 years of existence as service
provider to the materials industry, Cookson was split up into three
independent units. The largest part, Engineered Ceramics, now operates
under the name, Vesuvius, and has formally adopted the EWC agreement.
The smaller part, Performance Materials, has since been operating under
the name, Alent, and will establish a network of employee
representatives, based on the spirit of this EWC agreement. The
allocation of seats is to be completely re-balanced in both companies.
Updated EWC agreements
packaging company integrates new EWC Directive
 The largest European cardboard manufacturer
recently updated its EWC agreement. In a press statement released on
4th October 2012, the company declared that the EWC is to play a
proactive role in the future and will be involved immediately in any
planned changes within the company so that possible effects and
implementation plans can be discussed together with
Smurfit Kappa
is headquartered in Dublin and has
40,000 employees world-wide in 32 countries, with alone 5,000 in
Germany. The EWC agreement was concluded at the central European
headquarters in Paris in June 2006 following the merger of the two
forerunning companies and was considered, at that time already, to
exceed the usual minimum standards. Occupational health and safety is
one of its major topics. Besides Smurfit Kappa, there are only six
other EWC bodies under Irish jurisdiction (see country report
on Ireland in EWC News 3/2007).
 Italian cable manufacturer EWC merger
A EWC agreement
was signed for Prysmian on 30th
November 2012 in Milan. Since the acquisition of the Dutch cable
manufacturer Draka in February 2011 there had been two EWC bodies
working together in close cooperation. The new agreement now replaces
the two previous councils and provides for 28 members representing
22,000 employees to meet twice annually. The seven member steering
committee also meets twice annually. The agreement ensures that sites
having no seat on the EWC are also well represented and it is for
Italian standards exceptional. Following Buzzi Unicem, the cement
manufacturer, this is the second EWC agreement to be signed since the
new Italian EWC legislation has come into force (see report in
EWC News 3/2012).
healthcare group strengthens EWC rights
 The EWC agreement for Capio was updated at a
meeting held in Paris on 30th November 2012. The Swedish group operates
over 100 hospitals in eight countries and is owned by financial
investors. The European works council established in 2006 was the very
first in private healthcare. The EWC agreement integrates the improved
European Union standards for information and consultation, increases
the number of seats and improves the working conditions for EWC members
including a right of access to all sites.
Upcoming event on the subject
EWC working
practice will be on the agenda of a seminar to be held in Oslo from
23rd to 25th April 2013.
have arranged a selection of
EWC agreements on a website
for download.
8. Transnational company agreements
 Schneider Electric
violates agreement
11th December 2012 the EWC steering committee of Schneider Electric was
informed about the closure of the Rieti plant in central Italy with 181
employees, before the end of 2014. The decision had already been taken
at that time. A long-term and socially responsible anticipation of
change in the company, such as agreed on in 2007 between central
management of the French electrical engineering group and at that time,
the European Metalworkers’ Federation
(EMF) (see report in
EWC News 2/2007),
was no longer possible. Schneider Electric hereby follows the example
of the ArcelorMittal steel group, which likewise violates agreements
that it has itself signed by closing plants in Belgium (see report in
EWC News 3/2011). So far there is no legal basis and
no possibilities for sanctions in such transnational company agreements.
Italian European MP’s brought possible violations to the mass
redundancies and the EWC Directive to the attention of the European
Commission in a parliamentary question on 11th December 2012. In his
response from 21st February 2013 the social Commissioner, Andor,
indicated that such cases should be referred to the courts. The
announced plant closure took however a new turn in Italy. A meeting
took place in the Ministry for economic development in Rome on 8th
February 2013, where Schneider Electric’s management promised
look for economically viable alternatives to the closure.
utility company regulates
occupational health and safety
13th December 2012, central management of Veolia Environnement gave a
clear commitment on occupational health and safety to the EWC. Although
legally speaking, the agreement is only a one-sided declaration of the
company, the text was nevertheless previously elaborated within a
working group between central management and the EWC. It could later
evolve to become a real European company collective agreement. In
October 2010 the company’s EWC agreement was substantially
improved (see report
in EWC News 1/2011).
European equal treatment
15th February 2013, Groupama, the French insurance and banking group,
concluded a pan-European agreement on quality of working life and for
the prevention of discrimination. The EWC, established in 2000, is
responsible for monitoring the extensive company agreement. Their EWC
agreement was last updated on 22nd November 2012.
9. From
framework agreement
to World works council
Norwegian energy group with
lasting world-wide minimum standards
international framework agreement for Aker Solutions in Oslo was
extended for an unlimited period on 17th December 2012. Central
management and trade unions had agreed on it for a trial period for the
first time in 2008 (see report in EWC
News 4/2008).
For the 24,000 world-wide employees in 30 countries there is a
complaint process for violations to the core labour standards defined
in the agreement.
Norwegian telephone operator
assumes social responsibility
international framework agreement on fundamental social rights was
signed on 18th January 2013 for the former national telephone operator,
Telenor. This includes the right to union representation and collective
bargaining, which represents a milestone especially for subsidiaries in
Asia. Only a few days later a trade union section was recognized for
the first time in Bangladesh.
other formerly nationalized telephone operators also follow the same
path, Deutsche Telekom continues to stand apart and even violates the
basic principles of responsible business conduct, e.g. in the USA
(see report
in EWC News 2/2011). France
Télécom had already established a world works
council in 2010 (see report in
EWC News 2/2010).
commercial car
manufacturer establishes world works council
Volvo has also taken the step. An agreement was signed in Gothenburg on
31st January 2013, which plans to set up a World works council. Since
2002 there have already been meetings between the European works
council and employee representatives from other parts of the world once
every two years. In the future, the World works council is to be
informed and consulted by central management once annually ("Volvo
Global Dialogue"). Half of the workforce is outside Europe.
ArcelorMittal European works

the ArcelorMittal works
council and IG-Metall Bremen website are to be found not only the local
employee representation but also the structures in Germany and Europe.
Separate pages are devoted to the EWC of the Luxembourg steel group -
established in its current form after the merger in July 2007
(see report
in EWC News 2/2007). An article in BR-News, the
Bremen works council journal, under the title "cold shower for
employees" describes the current situation in Liège, Belgium
(see report
in EWC News 3/2011). Following texts are available
only in German:
cooperative labour relations stimulate innovation?
A research project of the
Institute for the promotion of employees in Bolzano analyses labour
relations in southern Tyrol for their contribution to innovation. The
website presents the results of the project. In includes a handbook on
"best practices" in company level collective bargaining and an analysis
on the development of organizational innovations in companies in south
Tyrol. Following texts are in German (Italian is also
British trade union news
an independent website, publishes critical reports on the latest
developments in the United Kingdom from a grass-roots union
perspective. Besides news there are also feature-articles, films and
Working conditions in Apple
supply chain
 Apple’s innovative
products break records in sales and have attained cult status. The
working conditions in the delivery chain are however not always a good
example. The authors of the AppleLabor.com website have
investigated the local situation in China and give an overview of the
current media reports on the subject. They also refer
to self-commitment and progress reports in the US computer
have arranged numerous
further interesting websites into a collection
of links.
trade unions on a gradual decline
an international comparison Scandinavian trade unions are still very
strong: both from a membership and resources point of view, as well as
from their reputation with the population. Their high membership is
partly due to the unemployment funds, which are mostly closely tied to
trade unions. Membership levels are however also declining in Northern
Europe: in Finland they sank from the historical highest level of 80%
in the middle of the 1990’s to 67% in 2009. This country
published in November 2012 gives the detailed history of Finnish trade
unions and describes the current challenges.
 Manual on responsible business
conduct for multinationals
1976 the governments of the OECD countries first formulated the basic
principles for responsible business conduct in multinational companies.
In May 2011 these were revised. The obligation for companies to take
due care of the social situation in the supply chain is new, as well as
a reinforced complaints process. Such complaints are submitted over and
over again also by trade unions, e.g. against Deutsche Telekom in July
2011 because of trade union-hostile behavior in branch officies in the
US (see report
in EWC News 2/2011). This trade union manual based
on the revised principles has been available since December 2012.
 European comparison of
social developments
January 2013, the European Commission published a remarkable 476 page
repository of statistics and evaluations on social conditions.
Individual chapters examine unemployment figures, the social security
systems, income taxes, the growth of income and wages as well as the
imbalance of skills on the European job markets. From an evaluation of
the figures and analysis it becomes rapidly clear how the situation of
individual EU-regions is developing in different directions as a result
of the debt crisis.
 Manual on social dialogue
Turin-based training center of the International Labour Organization
(ILO) published this manual on social dialogue in January 2013. It is
to support the relaying of trade union training work in Central and
Eastern European countries. Apart from the original English version,
the manual is available in Croatian, Hungarian, Polish and Romanian.
Slovenian, Czech, Latvian and Bulgarian are soon to follow. The 90 page
brochure presents the basic knowledge on social dialogue at individual
country level as well as on the European level. One chapter is
dedicated to the European works councils. Further chapters describe
strategies for resolving conflict as well as techniques for conducting
negotiations with the employer. Following texts are available in
12. The EWC Academy:
Examples of our work
 5th Hamburg EWC and SE works
council Conference
For the
time running the annual conference for European and SE works councils
took place in Hamburg on 28th and 29th January 2013. 30 participants
from Germany, England, Sweden, Norway, Poland and the Netherlands from
20 companies discussed current trends.
EWC members
from the American IT-company, Hewlett-Packard, the German conglomerate,
Freudenberg and the Belgian foam materials manufacturer, Recticel,
reported on legal proceedings, corporate culture and bargaining
practice. On the second day a visit to the Airbus works council in
Hamburg was organized with a visit of the site.
renegotiates EWC agreement
 With the support of the EWC Academy a working group
prepared, on 22nd January 2013 in Friedrichshafen, a list of main
points for an update of the EWC agreement during the next plenary
meeting. The Lake Constance based automobile supplier has not updated
the text since the establishment of the EWC in 2000. The provisions of
the new German EWC Act therefore apply directly to ZF which strengthens
the negotiating position of the works council substantially. The
company had first agreed in 2011 to world-wide principles for social
responsibility. Two employee representatives from Brazil participate
regularly in the EWC meetings (see report in
EWC News 4/2012).
renegotiates EWC agreement
EWC plenary meeting of the mobile telecommunications operator was held
in Windsor on 29th and 30th January 2013, where the EWC Academy
delivered training on the new EWC Directive. The EWC was created in
2004 under British jurisdiction before its acquisition by
Telefónica, the Spanish telecommunications company and the
agreement was last updated in September 2009. For British standards it
includes very extensive regulations.
had agreed to a world-wide code of conduct with the trade unions in the
year 2000 (see report in
EWC News 4/2007), but so far did not have its own
EWC. This is why it is considering to expande the mobile telephone
division’s EWC to cover the whole Telefónica group
and to transfer it under Spanish jurisdiction. The EWC Academy provided
an initial assessment for the transfer.
Preparation for SE negotiations
 A special negotiating body
(SNB) is to be established at the German Pharmaceutics company, Lohmann
Animal Health, in preparation for a SE participation agreement. The EWC
Academy delivered training to the German works council members on 18th
February 2013 in Cuxhaven. The poultry vaccine and feed additive
manufacturer has established a European Company (SE) holding with no
employees. Now negotiations have to be subsequently held for the
employee participation of subsidiaries.
works council presents project results
SE works council of the Donata Holding SE carried out a EU-sponsored
project during 2012 on the better utilization of information and
consultation rights with support from the EWC Academy. An
Internet-based reporting system for business data and key employment
figures was developed (see report in
EWC News 3/2012).
Current training schedule
EWC Academy and its forerunner organization have been organizing and
delivering conferences and seminars for the members of European works
councils, SE works councils and special negotiation bodies since
January 2009. So far 461 employee representatives from 189 companies
have taken part including many of them for several times. This
represents around 17% of all companies in Europe with an established
EWC or SE works council.
"Song and dance act" or
fully-fledged European works council?
 A seminar is being held in
Montabaur castle (photo) from the 2nd to 5th April 2013 which
highlights the new legal situation of information and consultation in
relation to restructuring. How can the EWC concretely put into practice
the consultation procedure and prepare a legally water-tight opinion?
The seminar is also suitable for SE works council members.
Initiation seminar
An introductory seminar will
again take place in
parallel. It is directed to newly elected EWC members and to works
council members seeking information on the establishment of a EWC. It
is also suitable for SE works council members. Seminars in Montabaur
are only being held in German.
English-language event: how to
consult properly? / Initiation seminar
same two seminars like in
Montabaur will be run in English in Esher (near London) from 3rd to 5th
September 2013. The agenda is currently in preparation.
News is published by:
collaborating on this
Werner Altmeyer, Manfred Bobke, Rita da Luz,
Martin Roggenkamp
of the German
version: 18,851 readers
Distributor of
the English version: 2,881 readers
Distributor of
the French version: 2,894 readers
archive: www.ewc-news.com
We are always pleased to
receive comments and suggestions in relation to this newsletter as well
as reports on your EWC activities. Please write us at: info@ewc-academy.eu