Directive can become effective
British government refused its consent
 The Council of Ministers agreed on the new
Directive on European works councils on December 17th, 2008 in
Brussels. On the day before the European Parliament had agreed in a
plenary session with a large majority. The French Minister of Labour
Xavier Bertrand (on the photo on the left, together with EU social
Commissioner Vladimír Špidla) wanted to complete
the procedure politically under the French Presidency in 2008. Since
linguistic problems with the translation of the Directive could not be
processed on time, the formal decision making will take place in a
meeting of the Council of Ministers in January 2009.
26 governments from
Bulgaria to Ireland from Portugal to Estonia accepted the compromise,
only the British Labour government did not want to help to carry the
bill. The U.S. position is fundamentally more pragmatic against this.
The adoption of the Directive is welcomed particularly by the American
Chamber of Commerce in Germany because of planning safety, so that
transparency is guaranteed in the European branch offices of U.S.
A common
recommendation of the trade unions and employers' federations of August
29th, 2008 had already paved the way to the new Directive (see report in EWC
News 3/2008). On November 17th, 2008, the Committee on
Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament then decided
with the voices of Social Democrats, Greens, the Left and parts of its
conservative members on several changes on the bill which meets trade
union demands. On December 4th, 2008 the European Economic and Social
Committee (EESC), a consulting committee from representatives of
unions, employers and other groups, demanded an improved EWC Directive.
Already in September 2006 EESC had voiced in favour of it.
conversations brought about the breakthrough
There were informal
conversations behind the scenes between European Commission, European
Parliament and Council of Ministers at the beginning of December 2008.
This so-called trialogue led to a compromise to which the unions too
finally agreed. The new EWC Directive replaces the text from the year
1994 and has to be converted within two years into the legal system of
all countries of the European single market. All EU countries as well
as Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein are included. Future EU countries
like Croatia or Turkey will use the Directive as of the day of their
specialist conference to the new EWC Directive: What comes towards us
 Many EWC members are not sure of the new legal
situation and would like to design their current EWC agreement on the
basis of the new Directive. Works council members who still have the
EWC foundation ahead also would like to include the new regulations
early in their considerations. A number of questions will arise not
least also for lawyers if the new EWC Directive is converted in the
national legal system.
The training and
consultancy network " euro-workscouncil.net " offers the opportunity on
January 26th, 2009 on an EWC specialist
in Hamburg to discuss the new legal situation with experts from
Brussels as well as from German science and practice in detail.
specialist conferences to the new EWC Directive
 The great response to this specialist
conference has induced us to offer further dates. At present, the
following events are in cooperation with partners in Italy and Belgium
in the planning:
Rom, Villa
Borghese, May
7/8th, 2009 (simultaneous interpretation German -- Italian available,
English on request)
Liège in
summer 2009
(an exact appointment will soon be fixed, simultaneous interpretation
German -- French available, English on request)
German works
council members can take part according to § 37, para. 6,
Works Constitution Act. Non-binding reservations are already possible
over the contact
form. We then inform about the programme and the details on
the participation on time.
changes brings the new Directive?
Strengthening of the
EWC only possible by negotiation
as in the case of Nokia (see report in EWC
News 1/2008) are no longer possible in this form in future
writes the German newspaper Handelsblatt under the heading "European
works councils get more powerful". This is, however, only valid in a
qualified sense, because all currently valid EWC agreements are
operated on a continuation permit until they are discontinued. At first
better regulations must be negotiated in every company. The legislator
will improve merely the minimum regulations which are effective in the
case of the breakdown of the negotiations. We have listed the most
important points below.
and consultation is defined better
The concept "information" is used
repeatedly but not defined in the old EWC Directive. The new Directive
names features which must be fulfilled in order to speak about a proper
information. The consultation procedure is also described more exactly
than before. In future European works councils shall be entitles to
handle cross-border measures if a decision of central management has
consequences in another country (as the SE legislation already provides
The role
of the steering committee is strengthened
For the first time
it gets the right to independent meetings and is increased personally.
cooperation with national works councils
Since the European
works council is only responsible for transnational issues, its work
must be better linked to the national works councils. This also
includes the duty of EWC members to report to the staff of its country
of origin.
Right for
For the first time
a legal right is confirmed legally on training measures.
of EWC agreements at mergers
In future there
will be the right to terminate and renegotiate older EWC agreements at
mergers and extensive restructurings.
and deterrent sanctions
The wording that
all countries must provide " effective, dissuasive and proportionate
sanctions " in their respective EWC laws if the rights of the European
works council are violated is part of the most important points. This
can be an injunctive relief as it was already succeeded in the case of
the European works council of Gaz de France in front of the court (see report in EWC
News 1/2008). A
powerful European works council does not come along as a "present from
Brussels" but only by courageous workers' representatives, who if
necessary call in their rights also in front of the court. Remarkable:
In Germany there isn't any single verdict, which relates to the rights
of an EWC. So it remains much to do for works councils.
Special problems for British European works
 There isn't any tradition of information and
consultation in the United Kingdom, works councils are a cultural alien
element both for British trade unions and for the management
differently than in the continental EU countries. Till now there is a
large number of European works councils on the basis of British law,
the quality of these agreements however stays frequently behind the
continental standards. Good EWC regulations can only be found in
companies with a high degree of trade union membership.
the revision process British government had benevolently accompanied
the employers' lobby campaign against the new Directive (see report in EWC
News 3/2008), although
Labour members of the European Parliament supported the trade unions'
position. It is up to the national parliaments now as they fill the new
regulations with lives. While there is a good chance in many old EU
countries (France, Benelux, Germany, Scandinavia) for clear decisions
of the legislator, an implementation in conformity with the EU is
expected particularly in the United Kingdom with tension. One will have
to watch very considerably also in some Eastern European countries how
the parliaments handle this topic. Shall the violation of EWC rights
remain a peccadillo or draw hard conclusions in front of the court? It
will be decisive whether effective and deterrent sanctions of the
workers' representatives can be sued for also in front of British or
Polish courts.
3. New
collective bargaining law in France
role of the five trade union confederations to be removed
A reform of the collective bargaining system
which ends the consensus of the post-war period about the
representativeness of trade unions becomes effective in France on
January 1st, 2009. It orientates itself at the pragmatic rules in
Spain. Till now it was usual in France, that the status of the trade
union representativeness was awarded by the government. This was
carried out last in 1966 as the CFDT as a new confederation joined. The
origins of this procedure are located in the Cold War when it was all
about to break the supremacy of the communist CGT. The Sarkozy
government has terminated this chapter of the French labour legislation
with the law of August 20th, 2008.
Any trade union
which has got the status of representativeness from the government can
conclude in-plant collective agreements till now
even if it has only one single member in the company and doesn't get
support in works council elections. In future the representativeness of
an organisation will be decided by works council elections -- and so by
the workforce itself. Trade unions, which gain less than 10% of the
electoral vote in the company can conclude no more in-plant agreements
and cannot appoint any trade union delegates. For an in-plant agreement
to be valid the signing trade unions must unite at least 30% of the
electoral vote. The number of members is not important.
For valid regional
or industry-wide collective agreements in future 8% of the
votes in elections to all works councils of the area are required. In
order to measure the representativeness French employers must therefore
notify the Department of Employment of the results on a special form
within two weeks after completion of the works council elections.
Similar regulations
are already valid in Spain for many years and led to a constructive
cooperation of Spanish trade unions in the bargaining policy. In Spain
all collective agreements are actually signed by CC.OO. and UGT
together. While trade unions are bundling their strength in many parts
of Europe by mergers, French organisations split themselves always
further up and even fight themselves. It is expected this trend is
turning now, because small unions lose their prerogatives with the new
No changes
to the freedom to strike
The right to strike
remains an individual human right also in future, which cannot be
controlled by any trade union and cannot be limited by any employer. In
the opinion of French courts, three participants are enough to carry
out a legal strike. France knows neither strike ballots nor strike pay.
Employers must therefore prove a high sensibility to guarantee
industrial peace. The following contributions light the role of shop
floor representation and the trade union landscape (only available in
4. Mergers keep
the EWC busy
Staff cuts
after merger of tobacco groups
 Workers' representatives of Imperial Tobacco
met in Brussels on October 10th, 2008 to develop a common strategy
against the announced reduction of 2,600 jobs. The restructuring was
published by central management in Bristol in July 2008, it is a result
of the merger with Altadis. The Spanish tobacco company had been bought
up by Imperial Tobacco in February 2008. The announcement of staff
reductions led already to strikes in France and Spain.
At present, there
are two European works councils in the group. Imperial Tobacco had
founded an EWC according to British law in 1996 and Altadis in 2002 an
EWC according to Spanish law. Both now shall be brought together to one
single council. In the opinion of the trade unions it is required that
the EWC of Imperial Tobacco takes part in all EWC meetings of the
steering committee of Altadis as of now to ensure a coordinated
action day at HP and EDS
representatives of the two IT firms Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Electronic
Data System (EDS) met in Brussels on October 15th, 2008 to analyse the
joined EWC meeting of September 25th, 2008 (see report in
EWC News 3/2008). HP had taken over the competitor EDS in
August 2008. Workers' representatives criticize that central management
violates the EWC Directive because it confronts the two European works
councils with perfected facts and doesn't carry out any consultation.
The aim of consultation for the two works councils is to take on
negotiations about the restructuring.
As a
reaction to the cut of almost 10,000 jobs due to the merger, the
highest reduction in the history of both companies, workers'
representatives of HP and EDS organized a European-wide action day on
November 13th, 2008. After that central management agreed to the
legally specified consultation procedure, but refused to mention exact
numbers about dismissals or to specify the plans per country more
exactly. Workers' representatives of both enterprises discussed the
further procedure on December 8th, 2008 in Brussels. The behaviour of
HP central management reminds strongly of the electronics company
Alcatel-Lucent where the EWC had obtained a judgement in April 2007
(see report
in EWC News 2/2007).
 Bank works councils discuss merger
Representatives of
the European works councils of BNP Paribas and Fortis met in Paris for
the first time on October 20th, 2008 to discuss the forthcoming merger.
The largest French commercial bank BNP Paribas wants to take on all
activities of the Belgian Luxembourg finance group of Fortis outside
the Netherlands as a result of the financial crisis. The Dutch part of
Fortis had been nationalized on October 3rd, 2008.
From an economic
point of view the merger would make sense as both banks complete each
other geographically, so the workers' representatives. They demanded
however the development of a social chapter in the context of the
merger contract. The
European works council of Fortis which had been founded according to
Belgian law in 1996 was officially informed about the merger in a
plenary session on November 20th, 2008. Presumably it will soon be
combined with the EWC of BNP Paribas also founded in 1996 according to
French law. Shortly before Christmas the merger plan led to a
governmental crisis in Belgium. The following documents are available
only in French:
of European works councils
New EWC of
Frauenthal Holding with its own
Internet Blog
 The European works council of the Austrian
motorcar supplier and sanitary wholesaler Frauenthal constituted itself
in Vienna on October 29th/30th, 2008. The EWC agreement dates of July
3rd, 2008.
EWC already has an internet page of its own with a Blog. All
information is available in seven languages, there is also a portrait
of all EWC members and the steering committee. The training and
consultancy network " euro-workscouncil.net " was prior to the EWC
foundation involved in the drafting of corner points (see report in
EWC News 4/2007).
 Weak EWC regulations at ball bearing
The U.S. company
Timken has established an European works council according to British
law, the "Timken European Communication Council". The negotiations were
completed on May 30th, 2008 and on September 1st, 2008 the EWC
agreement signed. In the European comparison however it includes
regulations only below average.
The EWC is a mixed
committee which meets once a year and to which representatives of the
management also belong. The employees' side consists of twelve
delegates from 9 countries among this two each from France, Poland and
Romania. The steering committee consists of two employers and two
workers' representatives. There are strict rules on confidentiality,
only one single training day is scheduled every four years. A clause
provides that the agreement is checked as soon as the new EWC Directive
has been transposed into British law.
IT service
provider in the tourism sector founds EWC
 An EWC agreement was signed for Amadeus
according to Spanish law on September 19th, 2008. The company from
Madrid delivers IT service for the tourist industry (e.g. booking
platforms) and belongs to a finance investor. Atypical is the fact for
Spain that the EWC is a mixed body and the chairmanship is with the
employer. The half-yearly meetings are carried out in English without
interpreters. The steering committee consists of five workers'
representatives from France, Germany, Spain and another two countries.
All EWC members get 50 hours time-off per annum, the members of the
steering committee 70, supplementary to the customs in their home
countries and the time of EWC meetings. Furthermore training is
provided for the EWC.
group sets standards for EWC agreements
EWC agreement was signed on December 5th, 2008 for the Italian
electricity provider Enel in Rome whose daughters are mainly in Spain
and Eastern Europe. At the take-over of the Spanish energy group of
Endesa Enel could in 2006 assert itself against its German competitor
E.ON. Endesa hadn't
formed an EWC yet but signed an international framework agreement about
social standards.
The European works council of
Enel consists of
twenty members and meets twice every year. It chooses a steering
committee from five members who meet four times per annum. The
definition of information and consultation already orientates itself at
the new EWC Directive, four training days are scheduled per annum. With
that Enel has one of the best EWC agreements according to Italian law
and can compete with the standard of the bank group of UniCredit (see report in EWC
News 1/2007).
of numerous EWC agreements are available on a download
6. Europe-wide
EWC contract policy
goods group strengthens social responsibility
 The European works council of the French group
PPR signed two transnational collective agreements with the central
management in Paris on October 14th, 2008. They define principles about
the equal treatment of handicapped persons and about the personnel
policy towards older employees. PPR is the holding company of the
luxury goods group Gucci (thus also Yves Saint Laurent), the sports
equipment manufacturer Puma, the media and bookshop chain Fnac and the
furniture dealer Conforama. PPR has an European works council according
to French law since 1999 with delegates from 15 countries.
 Charter on sustainable development
During a meeting in
Brussels the European works council of the French chemistry and
pharmaceutical group Solvay signed a charter on sustainable development
and social responsibility with central management on November 27th,
2008. Component of the agreement is not only a regular dialog with the
EWC about the aims of the company in this area but also the definition
of a common vision.
companies take on social responsibility
The central
management of the Norwegian conglomerate Aker signed an international
framework agreement with the International Metalworkers' Federation
(IMF) in Oslo on October 28th, 2008. The worldwide compliance with
social minimum standards and the development of good work relations is
aim in all parts of the group which is working in the offshore,
fishing, shipyard and construction area in 35 countries with 27,000
employees. Already since 1996 an European works council exists at
 An international framework agreement was signed
in Geneva between the Norwegian oil and gas group StatoilHydro and the
International Federation of Chemical Workers' Unions (ICEM) on November
13th, 2008. It replaces the agreement for Statoil of 1998 which was
regarded as a milestone for trade union rights, health and safety at
work and internal further education. After the merger with Norsk Hydro
in October 2007 almost all 30,000 employees in 40 countries are now
included. Statoil was also part of the pioneers at the foundation of an
European works council in the year 1996.
union rights in the Freudenberg consortium
On November 3rd,
2008 central management of the German chemical enterprise Freudenberg
signed an amendment to the framework agreement from the year 2000 with
the International Federation of Chemical Workers' Unions (ICEM). With
this the company respects the decision of all employees to join a trade
union of one’s choice. ICEM will worldwide support a
constructive dialog between workers and management in all branch
offices. A meeting of the management with trade union representatives
in Canada and the USA had gone ahead in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on
October 1st, 2008. The European works council of Freudenberg founded in
1996 is engaged strongly in the protection of health (see report in EWC
News 4/2007).
 Japanese department store chain with
framework agreement
A Japanese company
signed for the first time an international framework agreement on
November 11th, 2008. The central management of the department store
chain Takashimaya (on the photo the branch office in Tokyo) commits
itself to a worldwide social dialog with trade unions. In Europe the
company has till now only one single branch office in the city centre
of Paris and therefore doesn't fall under the EWC Directive yet.
For the
first time agreement in a British service industry
worldwide valid agreement on ethical standards and trade union rights
was signed between the international trade union confederation UNI and
the safety company G4S on December 16th, 2008. With 570,000 employees
in 110 countries, of this two thirds in developing countries, the group
is the second biggest employer of the world. It is the first
international framework agreement which was ever obtained in a British
service provider. G4S also has a European works council since 1996.
8. The
world of SE works councils
an excellent SE agreement
December 3rd, 2008 at its
meeting in Berlin, the special negotiation body (SNB) of the adhesive
manufacturer tesa voted for the acceptance of a SE agreement which had
been negotiated under a considerable pressure of time within the weeks
before (see report
in EWC News 2/2008). At the transformation of a company into
a European Company (SE), the SNB has only six months to settle all
issues, which is different as compared to the foundation of an European
works council. The tesa agreement is regarded as one of the best, which
has till now been negotiated for a German company with only just under
2,000 employees and thus with a third participation in the supervisory
board. Frank Ganschow (photo), chairman of the SNB,
explained the course of the negotiations and the most important points
of the new agreement in an interview with EWC News.
representatives of tesa were supported by Prof Dr Ulrich Zachert and Dr
Werner Altmeyer of the training and consultancy network
"euro-workscouncil.net" during their negotiations. But experts cannot
prevent what the legislator has failed to see: Companies of the range
of tesa can "freeze" the participation in the supervisory board namely
at the time of the SE transformation. This problem was now recognized
by a group of experts engaged by the European Commission and they
suggest a customization of the SE Directive which lies ahead in the
year 2009 (see report
in EWC News 3/2008).
SE foundations without employees in the supervisory board
 Since October 1st, 2008 Hawe
Hydraulik from Munich is operating as an European Company (SE). A SE
agreement which provides the formation of a so-called “group
works council” (a SE works council of the group) had been
concluded on July 28th, 2008. It meets twice every year and chooses a
steering committee from three (later five) members. This can carry out
another two annual meetings. An arbitration board is scheduled for
disputes with central management. There isn't employee participation in
the supervisory board although the family company has 1,500 employees
alone in Germany.
December 2nd, 2008 the solar equipment manufacturer Solon from Berlin
also has registered as SE. The agreement signed at the beginning of
November 2008 doesn't provide any participation for the 850 employees
in the supervisory board. There are European subsidiaries in Austria,
Italy and Switzerland.
SE negotiations failed
8 October 2008, the film manufacturer RKW (Rheinische Kunststoffwerke)
was registered as an SE, although no agreement on participation was
concluded. The company, based in Frankenthal (Rhineland-Palatinate), is
the first case in Europe in which the negotiations failed. For the
2,700 employees in eight countries, the statutory standard rules on the
SE works council and a third participation on the supervisory board
gains chairmanship in the SE works council of Porsche
December 15th, 2008, the SE works council of Porsche Automobil Holding
SE constituted itself on the basis of a SE participation agreement in
which the works councils of Volkswagen had not been involved. The SE
works council consists of 40 members: the 20 representatives of
Porsche, amongst this 15 from Germany, represent the 12,000 Porsche
employees. 20 representatives of Volkswagens, amongst this seven from
Germany, represent the 360,000 VW employees. This numerical ratio had
been regarded as undemocratic by the Volkswagen works councils, which
led to a public exchange of blows and several legal proceedings (see report in
EWC News 3/2007).
chairmanship of the SE works council went now completely surprising to
Volkswagen. Bernd Osterloh (on the photo on the right), the president
of the European and the world works council of Volkswagens was
unanimously elected as chairman of the SE works council and Uwe
Hück of Porsche (on the photo on the left) as deputy. A date
of a court trial set for December 19th, 2008 was cancelled at short
notice after that. Until January 2009 a solution without a court trial
shall be reached under mediation of IG Metall trade union. There are
talks about a new version of the Porsche SE agreement which is
terminable officially only in 2017. In the Porsche general meeting on
January 30th, 2009 workers' representatives of Volkswagen could then be
nominated for the SE supervisory board.
9. Newsletter
for workers'
The EWC bulletin of UniCredit
European works council of the Italian bank UniCredit founded in 2007
(see report
in EWC News 1/2007) came together on October 16th, 2008 for
its second plenary meeting in Milan. Topics of the agenda were the
finance market crisis (see report in EWC
News 3/2008), a new model of Corporate Governance and the payment
for the top management, the system of employee share ownership in five
countries and the development of a Europe-wide IT platform for the back
office. An own agenda item was the situation in Polish branch offices.
The contents of the meeting are published in a newsletter.
EWC of Ikea with an own newsletter
EWC of the furniture house
Ikea met in Copenhagen on October 28th, 2008. It is part of the
particularly active councils in Scandinavia and has formed several
committees. A main emphasis of its activity is health and safety at
work. It presents the current developments in a newsletter. The third
version has been published in November 2008. The " Ikea European
Consultative Council " was founded according to Danish law in 1999.
Version 2/2008
Another version of
the German Austrian EWC newsletter of ver.di and GPA trade unions has
been published on October 29th, 2008. Main emphasis of this version is
the political process for the revision of the EWC Directive. Broader
topics are: the financial crisis, the establishment of European works
councils, a background report on Romania, literature tips and event
notes. The EWC newsletter is co-formed by the training and consultancy
network " euro-workscouncil.net " and is only available in German.
to the Corporate Governance
At the end of November 2008 the current newsletter
on Corporate
Governance of the European trade union institute has been published on
the web page "Worker-Participation.eu". Since July 2006 it has informed
about questions of the employee participation in the administrative and
supervisory boards of companies and the latest European (law-)
developments. As a central theme the current version picks the legal
form of the European Private Company, which in addition to the European
Company (SE) shall make possible a kind of European plc. Another topic
is the EU merger Directive.
10. Interesting
web pages
The European works
council in Romania and Bulgaria
 Learn from experiences, this is
the motto of the EU financed project ELEX which particularly addresses
workers' representatives in the new EU member countries Romania and
Bulgaria. Seminars are documented and numerous documents offered for
the download on the web page of the project.
Worldwide alliance of Coca-Cola

The global trade union alliance of Coca-Cola
employees has set up a web page of its own delivering current reports
from the group in 15 languages. The workers' representatives of the
drink group met for the second world conference in Germany in May 2008
(see report in EWC
News 3/2008).
Observation of finance investors
international association of food and hotel employees IUL operates a
web page with current reports about the activity of Private Equity
firms. The last deals of the "grasshoppers" in the hotel and food
industry can be investigated there. So for example the finance investor
Blackstone distinguished itself at the buying up of the Hilton hotels
in October 2007 (see report in EWC
News 3/2007).
The location Germany under
globalisation pressure
The project export-IT examines changes of
companies in the service sector in the worldwide division of labour through
information and communication techniques. With support of German trade
unions ver.di and IG Metall "best pracice" examples shall be worked out
also for the workers' representation in this line of business.
have arranged numerous
further interesting links in a link
 EWC agreements in the
The Social Development Agency
(SDA) in Brussels presented a new evaluation from 102 EWC agreements of
its database in October 2008 which examines qualitative and
quantitative developments in the time period of the last four years.
From the 102 EWC agreements which were signed since 2004, 19 are from
Germany and France, 16 from the UK and ten from Belgium each. Italy
recorded the strongest increase with eight new EWC agreements. The
country has 39 European works councils now, however is still located in
the delay. Although training measures aren't regulated obligatorily in
the old EWC Directive, this was confirmed Europe-wide in 76% of all
cases in the EWC agreement since 2004.
 Works councils in Germany,
France and Poland
How can the staff of
international large companies work out a common action perspective? Dr
Stefanie Hürtgen, employee at the institute for social
research of University of Frankfurt am Main, follows this question in
her PhD thesis, which was published in November 2008. It documents the
work of French workers' representatives of the trade unions CGT, CFDT
and FO, of German works councils of IG Metall in the west and east as
well as Polish EWC members of the trade unions Solidarność and OPZZ.
The interviews don't only show how operational problems are handled
concretely in single countries, but also examines the respective
integration into the European works council. The book is only available
in German.
Transnationales Co-Management
Politik in der globalen Konkurrenz
2008, 313
pages, € 29,90
Current comparison of
industrial relations in Western and Eastern Europe
 This anthology of a project
which was carried out by the University of Tübingen with
partners in several countries has been published in December 2008. The
aim was a survey of labour law, employer employee relations and social
dialog in three old EU countries and three joining countries. Germany,
France, Italy, Czechia, Slovakia and Croatia are treated respectively
in separated chapters. For every country the role of works councils and
trade unions is examined, current trends in collective bargaining and
in state politics, but features of vocational training is also
represented. The book therefore isn't only worthwhile for a recessed
look to Eastern Europe but also for the enquiry of current developments
in the three Western European countries. The book is only available in
Josef Schmid/Harald Kohler (ed.)
Arbeitsbeziehungen und Sozialer
Dialog im alten und neuen Europa
Unterschiede - Gemeinsamkeiten
- Kooperationen
Baden-Baden 2008, 331 pages,
€ 22,-
Effectively presenting - in
 An excellent Powerpoint
presentation is today often part of the standard repertoire for works
councils. But what if one must present in front of colleagues of the
EWC in English? This bilingual book from the series “Training
International” helps to do it. The author turns his attention
particularly towards how to prepare presentations for a foreign
audience and provides intercultural tips. This book is particularly
recommendable, because it is written generally in German and English.
Explanations, tips and examples are found in German on the left book
page, the same text can be found in English on the right book page. So
the book doesn't only help at the preparations for a presentation but
the linguistic competence is also fortifying. Similar adviser -- also
bilingual -- have been published on subjects as conflict management,
meetings and moderation, small talk and team development.
Matt Beadle
Präsentieren -
wirkungsvoll und strukturiert
Berlin 2008, 192 pages,
€ 16,95
We have compiled additional
technical literature on a special
12. Training
and consultancy network " euro-workscouncil.net ":
Examples of our work
European works council optimizes its working conditions
A workshop in the
context of the project IN.CON.PAR_able took place in Hamburg in the DGB
training centre on October 14th and 15th, 2008. The aim of the project,
which was initiated by the Spanish trade union confederation CC.OO. is
the improvement of cooperation in European works councils by
coordination of the activities and the communication among each other.
Dr Reingard Zimmer of the training and consultancy network "
euro-workscouncil.net " participated in the preparations for and
execution of the workshop, which similarly takes place also in Spain,
Portugal, Italy and Bulgaria. A project report in German is in
office: survey of EWC work
 An inventory of EWC work separated by sectors
was carried out at the headquarters of ver.di trade union in Berlin
(photo) on November 24th, 2008. Bernhard Stelzl and Dr Werner Altmeyer
of the training and consultancy network " euro-workscouncil.net " also
took part in the meeting under management of Martin Lemcke of the
co-determination department. The discussion showed a high need of support
particularly in the wholesale and retail sector, financial services and special services. The
EWC newsletter of ver.di shall be more narrowly interlocked with the
sector departments and EWC bodies.
On November 25th,
2008 the study group Labour – Company – Politics of the
Friedrich-Ebert foundation conducted a meeting on works constitution in
Berlin. About 170 works council members, scientists and politicians
discussed a reform agenda to participation with a number of experts
(photo). Werner Altmeyer of the "euro-workscouncil.net" explained the
European level. The following documents are only available in German:
project at Lüneburg University
the current term a series of lectures on human resource management and
European works councils takes place at the institute for economic law
of Lüneburg University. As part of a lectureship Dr. Werner
Altmeyer from the training and consultancy network "
euro-workscouncil.net " is also involved.
in professional journals
In November 2008
the magazine der betriebsrat (the works council)
published a country report on Spanish works’ constitution of
Dr Werner Altmeyer and Prof Dr Holm-Detlev Köhler. The
contribution also contains an interview with a German EWC member of the
Spanish big bank Santander. Dr Werner Altmeyer examined the legislation
process and the possible consequences of the new EWC Directive in a
contribution for the journal Personalführung
(personnel management) in December 2008. Both articles are only
available in German.
find additional English language publications at our publication
13. Details
of seminars planned
are possible for
the following seminars and workshops co-made by us (in German):
The new EWC Directive -- What
comes towards us there?
conferences for
European works councils
in Hamburg
-- 8-5-2009 in Rome
2009 in Liège
(an exact appointment is still to be fixed)
Europe for trade union officers
of IG Metall
Institutions, politics, European
works councils
-- 27-3-2009 in Bad Orb
-- 16-10-2009 in Bad Orb
Seminars of the institute for
further education of works councils (ifb)
1998 ifb offers seminars for European works councils whose contents
were worked out by the training and consultancy network "
euro-workscouncil.net ".
Basic seminar: The way to the European works council
-- 3-4-2009 in Cologne
-- 23-10-2009 in
Advanced seminar: Practice knowledge, EWC special
-- 5-6-2009 in Cologne
-- 20-11-2009 in Nuremberg
Workshops of ver.di-federal
the year 2004 an cross-sectoral workshop of the ver.di federal office
for European works councils took place for the first time. In view of
the new EWC Directive there are two appointments in 2009:
The revision of the EWC
17. -- 19-6-2009 in Berlin
Basis knowledge and practice of
the EWC work
-- 4-9-2009 in Berlin
Further education at
Ruhr university
part of a further education
series for trade union officers and works council members the academy
of Ruhr university Bochum offers the following:
Training for Europe, the
European works council
practice experiences, development prospects
-- 31-10-2009 in Bochum
In-house events
Please find a survey of
possible subjects of in-house events here:
News is published by:
and consultancy
network "euro-betriebsrat.de" GbR
collaborating on this issue:
Werner Altmeyer,
Carmen Bauer, Ulrich Zachert,
Reingard Zimmer
of the German
version: 11,508 readers
Distributor of
the English version: 1,378 readers
Distributor of
the French version: 1.119 readers
archive: www.ewc-news.com
are always pleased to
receive comments and suggestions in relation to this newsletter as well
as reports on your EWC activities. Please write us at: info@euro-workscouncil.net